2004 | ||
3 | EE | Krzysztof Fujarewicz, Adam Galuszka: Generalized Backpropagation through Time for Continuous Time Neural Networks and Discrete Time Measurements. ICAISC 2004: 190-196 |
2 | EE | Adam Galuszka, Andrzej Swierniak: Translation STRIPS Planning in Multi-robot Environment to Linear Programming. ICAISC 2004: 768-773 |
2002 | ||
1 | Adam Galuszka, Andrzej Swierniak: Planning in Multi-Agent Environment using STRIPS Representation and Non-cooperative Equilibrium Strategy. GAME-ON 2002 |
1 | Krzysztof Fujarewicz | [3] |
2 | Andrzej Swierniak | [1] [2] |