
Joseph A. Gallian

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6 Joseph A. Gallian: Error Detection Methods. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(3): 504-517 (1996)
5EEStephen J. Curran, Joseph A. Gallian: Hamiltonian cycles and paths in Cayley graphs and digraphs - A survey. Discrete Mathematics 156(1-3): 1-18 (1996)
4 Joseph A. Gallian: A Guide to the Graph Labeling Zoo. Discrete Applied Mathematics 49(1-3): 213-229 (1994)
3EERobert Beals, Joseph A. Gallian, Patrick Headley, Douglas S. Jungreis: Harmonious groups. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 56(2): 223-238 (1991)
2EEDavid Witte, Joseph A. Gallian: A survey: Hamiltonian cycles in Cayley graphs. Discrete Mathematics 51(3): 293-304 (1984)
1EEDavid Witte, Gail Letzter, Joseph A. Gallian: On hamiltonian circuits in cartesian products of Cayley digraphs. Discrete Mathematics 43(2-3): 297-307 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Robert Beals [3]
2Stephen J. Curran [5]
3Patrick Headley [3]
4Douglas S. Jungreis [3]
5Gail Letzter [1]
6David Witte [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)