
Manuel J. Galán

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6 Javier J. Sanchez-Medina, Manuel J. Galán, Nestor Angulo-de-Ugarte, Enrique Rubio: Simulation Times vs. Network Size in a Genetic Algorithm Based Urban Traffic Optimization Architecture. GEM 2008: 255-261
5EEJavier J. Sanchez-Medina, Manuel J. Galán, Enrique Rubio: Applying a Traffic Lights Evolutionary Optimization Technique to a Real Case: "Las Ramblas" Area in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 12(1): 25-40 (2008)
4 Javier J. Sanchez-Medina, Manuel J. Galán, Enrique Rubio: Bit Level Versus Gene Level Crossover in a Traffic Modeling Environment. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 1190-1195
3EECristian Munteanu, Agostinho C. Rosa, Manuel J. Galán, Enrique Royo: Evolutionary Color Constancy Algorithm Based on the Gamut Mapping Paradigm. EUROCAST 2005: 404-409
2 Manuel J. Galán, Fidel García, Luis Álvarez, Antonio Ocón, Enrique Rubio: 'Beowulf Cluster' for High-performance Computing Tasks at the University: A Very Profitable Investment. High performance computing at low price. EUNIS 2001: 328-335
1 Manuel J. Galán, Fidel García, Luis Álvarez, Antonio Ocón, Enrique Rubio: 'Beowulf cluster' for high-performance computing tasks at the university: A very profitable investment. Informatica (Slovenia) 25(2): (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Luis Álvarez [1] [2]
2Nestor Angulo-de-Ugarte [6]
3Fidel García [1] [2]
4Cristian Munteanu [3]
5Antonio Ocón [1] [2]
6Agostinho C. Rosa (Agostinho Cláudio da Rosa) [3]
7Enrique Royo [3]
8Enrique Rubio [1] [2] [4] [5] [6]
9Javier J. Sanchez-Medina [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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