
Anahí Gajardo

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10 Anahí Gajardo: Sofic one head machines. JAC 2008: 54-64
9EEMarco Montalva, Julio Aracena, Anahí Gajardo: On the complexity of feedback set problems in signed digraphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 30: 249-254 (2008)
8EEAnahí Gajardo, Jacques Mazoyer: One Head Machines from a symbolic approach. Theor. Comput. Sci. 370(1-3): 34-47 (2007)
7EEAnahí Gajardo, Eric Goles Ch.: Crossing information in two-dimensional Sandpiles. Theor. Comput. Sci. 369(1-3): 463-469 (2006)
6EEVincent D. Blondel, Anahí Gajardo, Maureen Heymans, Pierre Senellart, Paul Van Dooren: A measure of similarity between graph vertices CoRR cs.IR/0407061: (2004)
5EEAnahí Gajardo, Eric Goles Ch.: Dynamics of a class of ants on a one-dimensional lattice. Theor. Comput. Sci. 322(2): 267-283 (2004)
4EEAnahí Gajardo: A symbolic projection of Langton's Ant. DMCS 2003: 57-68
3 Anahí Gajardo, Andrés Moreira, Eric Goles Ch.: Complexity of Langton's ant. Discrete Applied Mathematics 117(1-3): 41-50 (2002)
2EEAnahí Gajardo, Eric Goles Ch., Andrés Moreira: Generalized Langton's Ant: Dynamical Behavior and Complexity. STACS 2001: 259-270
1EEAnahí Gajardo, Eric Goles Ch.: Universal Cellular Automaton over a Hexagonal Tiling With 3 States. IJAC 11(3): 335-354 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Julio Aracena [9]
2Vincent D. Blondel [6]
3Eric Goles Ch. [1] [2] [3] [5] [7]
4Paul Van Dooren [6]
5Maureen Heymans [6]
6Jacques Mazoyer [8]
7Marco Montalva [9]
8Andrés Moreira [2] [3]
9Pierre Senellart [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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