
Travis Gagie

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31EETravis Gagie: New Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Sequential-Access Data Compression CoRR abs/0902.0133: (2009)
30EETravis Gagie: Another Virtue of Wavelet Trees CoRR abs/0903.4726: (2009)
29EETravis Gagie: Compressed depth sequences. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(8-10): 958-962 (2009)
28EETravis Gagie, Giovanni Manzini: Dictionary-Based Data Compression. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
27EETravis Gagie: A New Algorithm for Building Alphabetic Minimax Trees CoRR abs/0810.5064: (2008)
26EETravis Gagie, Marek Karpinski, Yakov Nekrich: Low-Memory Adaptive Prefix Coding CoRR abs/0811.3602: (2008)
25EEPawel Gawrychowski, Travis Gagie: Minimax Trees in Linear Time CoRR abs/0812.2868: (2008)
24EETravis Gagie, Yakov Nekrich: Worst-Case Optimal Adaptive Prefix Coding CoRR abs/0812.3306: (2008)
23EETravis Gagie: Dynamic asymmetric communication. Inf. Process. Lett. 108(6): 352-355 (2008)
22EETravis Gagie: Sorting streamed multisets. Inf. Process. Lett. 108(6): 418-421 (2008)
21EETravis Gagie, Giovanni Manzini: Move-to-Front, Distance Coding, and Inversion Frequencies Revisited. CPM 2007: 71-82
20 Travis Gagie: Sorting streamed multisets. ICTCS 2007: 130-138
19EETravis Gagie, Giovanni Manzini: Space-Conscious Compression. MFCS 2007: 206-217
18EETravis Gagie: A nearly tight memory-redundancy trade-off for one-pass compression CoRR abs/0708.1877: (2007)
17EETravis Gagie: Empirical entropy in context CoRR abs/0708.2084: (2007)
16EETravis Gagie: Bounds for Compression in Streaming Models CoRR abs/0711.3338: (2007)
15EETravis Gagie: Dynamic Shannon coding. Inf. Process. Lett. 102(2-3): 113-117 (2007)
14EETravis Gagie: Dynamic Asymmetric Communication. DCC 2006: 447
13EETravis Gagie: Dynamic Asymmetric Communication. SIROCCO 2006: 310-318
12EETravis Gagie: On the space complexity of one-pass compression CoRR abs/cs/0611099: (2006)
11EETravis Gagie: Compressing probability distributions. Inf. Process. Lett. 97(4): 133-137 (2006)
10EETravis Gagie: Large alphabets and incompressibility. Inf. Process. Lett. 99(6): 246-251 (2006)
9EETravis Gagie: Dynamic Shannon Coding CoRR abs/cs/0503085: (2005)
8EETravis Gagie: Compressing Probability Distributions CoRR abs/cs/0506016: (2005)
7EETravis Gagie: Dynamic Asymmetric Communication CoRR abs/cs/0506025: (2005)
6EETravis Gagie: Sorting a Low-Entropy Sequence CoRR abs/cs/0506027: (2005)
5EETravis Gagie: Large Alphabets and Incompressibility CoRR abs/cs/0506056: (2005)
4EETravis Gagie: Restructuring binary search trees revisited. Inf. Process. Lett. 95(3): 418-421 (2005)
3EETravis Gagie: Dynamic Shannon Coding. Data Compression Conference 2004: 540
2EETravis Gagie: Dynamic Shannon Coding. ESA 2004: 359-370
1EETravis Gagie: New Ways to Construct Binary Search Trees. ISAAC 2003: 537-543

Coauthor Index

1Pawel Gawrychowski [25]
2Marek Karpinski [26]
3Giovanni Manzini [19] [21] [28]
4Yakov Nekrich [24] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)