
Cüneyt Güzelis

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9EEGülay Büyükaksoy Kaplan, Neslihan S. Sengör, Hakan Gürvit, Cüneyt Güzelis: Modelling the Stroop effect: A connectionist approach. Neurocomputing 70(7-9): 1414-1423 (2007)
8EEGülay Büyükaksoy Kaplan, Neslihan S. Sengör, Hakan Gürvit, Ibrahim Genç, Cüneyt Güzelis: A composite neural network model for perseveration and distractibility in the Wisconsin card sorting test. Neural Networks 19(4): 375-387 (2006)
7EEAysegül Uçar, Yakup Demir, Cüneyt Güzelis: A New Formulation for Classification by Ellipsoids. TAINN 2005: 100-106
6EENurettin Acir, Cüneyt Güzelis: Automatic recognition of sleep spindles in EEG via radial basis support vector machine based on a modified feature selection algorithm. Neural Computing and Applications 14(1): 56-65 (2005)
5EENurettin Acir, Cüneyt Güzelis: An Application of Support Vector Machine in Bioinformatics: Automated Recognition of Epileptiform Patterns in EEG Using SVM Classifier Designed by a Perturbation Method. ADVIS 2004: 462-471
4EENurettin Acir, Cüneyt Güzelis: Automatic recognition of sleep spindles in EEG by using artificial neural networks. Expert Syst. Appl. 27(3): 451-458 (2004)
3EEAysegül Uçar, Yakup Demir, Cüneyt Güzelis: Fuzzy Model Identification Using Support Vector Clustering Method. ICANN 2003: 225-233
2EEHatice Dogan, Cüneyt Güzelis: A Gradient Network for Vector Quantization and Its Image Compression Applications. ICANN 2003: 554-561
1EEBilge Günsel, Cüneyt Güzelis: Supervised learning of smoothing parameters in image restoration by regularization under cellular neural networks framework. ICIP 1995: 470-473

Coauthor Index

1Nurettin Acir [4] [5] [6]
2Yakup Demir [3] [7]
3Hatice Dogan [2]
4Ibrahim Genç [8]
5Bilge Günsel [1]
6Hakan Gürvit [8] [9]
7Gülay Büyükaksoy Kaplan [8] [9]
8Neslihan S. Sengör [8] [9]
9Aysegül Uçar [3] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)