
Thilo Götz

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8EEThilo Götz, Oliver Suhre: Design and implementation of the UIMA Common Analysis System. IBM Systems Journal 43(3): 476-489 (2004)
7EEDavid E. Johnson, Frank J. Oles, Tong Zhang, Thilo Götz: A decision-tree-based symbolic rule induction system for text categorization. IBM Systems Journal 41(3): 428-437 (2002)
6 Thilo Götz, Detmar Meurers: Interleaving Universal Principles and Relational Constraints over Typed Feature Logic. ACL 1997: 1-8
5EEThilo Götz, Detmar Meurers: The importance of being lazy -- using lazy evaluation to process queries to HPSG grammars CoRR cmp-lg/9604014: (1996)
4 Thilo Götz, Detmar Meurers: Compiling HPSG Type Constraints into Definite Clause Programs. ACL 1995: 85-91
3EEGuido Minnen, Dale Gerdemann, Thilo Götz: Off-line Optimization for Earley-style HPSG Processing. EACL 1995: 173-179
2EEGuido Minnen, Dale Gerdemann, Thilo Götz: Off-line Optimization for Earley-style HPSG Processing CoRR cmp-lg/9502005: (1995)
1EEThilo Götz, Walt Detmar Meurers: Compiling HPSG type constraints into definite clause programs CoRR cmp-lg/9505003: (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Dale Gerdemann [2] [3]
2David E. Johnson [7]
3Walt Detmar Meurers (Detmar Meurers) [1] [4] [5] [6]
4Guido Minnen [2] [3]
5Frank J. Oles [7]
6Oliver Suhre [8]
7Tong Zhang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)