
István Gódor

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4EEÁkos Kovács, István Gódor: Cross-layer optimized wireless multicast for layered media. Computer Networks 53(7): 1062-1072 (2009)
3EEAttila Takács, Ákos Kovács, István Gódor, Franz Kalleitner, Hermann Brand, Marcus Ek, Tomas Stefansson, Frank Sjöberg: The Layer-Independent Descriptor Concept. JCP 1(2): 23-32 (2006)
2EEIstván Gódor, János Harmatos, Alpár Jüttner: Inverse shortest path algorithms in protected UMTS access networks. Computer Communications 28(7): 765-772 (2005)
1EEIstván Gódor, Gábor Magyar: Cost-optimal topology planning of hierarchical access networks. Computers & OR 32: 59-86 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Hermann Brand [3]
2Marcus Ek [3]
3János Harmatos [2]
4Alpár Jüttner [2]
5Franz Kalleitner [3]
6Ákos Kovács [3] [4]
7Gábor Magyar [1]
8Frank Sjöberg [3]
9Tomas Stefansson [3]
10Attila Takács [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)