
András Gács

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9EEAndrás Gács, Tamás Szönyi: Random constructions and density results. Des. Codes Cryptography 47(1-3): 267-287 (2008)
8EESimeon Ball, András Gács, Péter Sziklai: On the number of directions determined by a pair of functions over a prime field. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 115(3): 505-516 (2008)
7EEAndrás Gács: On a Generalization of Rédei's Theorem. Combinatorica 23(4): 585-598 (2003)
6EEAndrás Gács, Tamás Szonyi: On Maximal Partial Spreads in PG(n, q). Des. Codes Cryptography 29(1-3): 123-129 (2003)
5EEAndrás Gács, Zsuzsa Weiner: On (q + t, t)-Arcs of Type (0, 2, t). Des. Codes Cryptography 29(1-3): 131-139 (2003)
4 András Gács, Péter Sziklai: On the structure of a generalization of weakly associative lattices. Ars Comb. 62: (2002)
3EEAndrás Gács: On the Size of the Smallest Non-Classical Blocking Set of Rédei Type in PG(2, p). J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 89(1): 43-54 (2000)
2EEAndrás Gács: On the number of directions determined by a point set in AG(2, p). Discrete Mathematics 208-209: 299-309 (1999)
1 András Gács, Péter Sziklai, Tamás Szonyi: Two Remarks on Blocking Sets and Nuclei in Planes of Prime Order. Des. Codes Cryptography 10(1): 29-39 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Simeon Ball [8]
2Péter Sziklai [1] [4] [8]
3Tamás Szonyi (Tamás Szönyi) [1] [6] [9]
4Zsuzsa Weiner [5]

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