
Takehiro Furudate

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2EEGen Kawamura, Masato Kitajima, Kentaro Wakatsuki, Takehiro Furudate, Takahiro Kosaka, Kazuto Yamazaki, Reiji Teramoto, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, Hideo Matsuda: A Grid-based Information Integration System for Drug Discovery. ICDE Workshops 2005: 1167
1EEYoshiharu Ishikawa, Takehiro Furudate, Shunsuke Uemura: A Wrapping Architecture for IR Systems to Mediate External Structured Document Sources. DASFAA 1997: 431-440

Coauthor Index

1Susumu Date [2]
2Yoshiharu Ishikawa [1]
3Gen Kawamura [2]
4Masato Kitajima [2]
5Takahiro Kosaka [2]
6Hideo Matsuda [2]
7Shinji Shimojo [2]
8Reiji Teramoto [2]
9Shunsuke Uemura [1]
10Kentaro Wakatsuki [2]
11Kazuto Yamazaki [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)