
Stefan Funke

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43EEDaniel Dumitriu, Stefan Funke, Martin Kutz, Nikola Milosavljevic: How much Geometry it takes to Reconstruct a 2-Manifold in R3. ALENEX 2008: 65-74
42EEStefan Funke, Sören Laue, Rouven Naujoks, Zvi Lotker: Power Assignment Problems in Wireless Communication: Covering Points by Disks, Reaching few Receivers Quickly, and Energy-Efficient Travelling Salesman Tours. DCOSS 2008: 282-295
41EEDaniel Dumitriu, Stefan Funke, Martin Kutz, Nikola Milosavljevic: On the Locality of Extracting a 2-Manifold in . SWAT 2008: 270-281
40EEFriedrich Eisenbrand, Stefan Funke, Andreas Karrenbauer, Domagoj Matijevic: Energy-Aware Stage Illumination. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 18(1/2): 107-129 (2008)
39EEStefan Funke, Imran Rauf: Information Brokerage Via Location-Free Double Rulings. ADHOC-NOW 2007: 87-100
38EEHolger Bast, Stefan Funke, Domagoj Matijevic, Peter Sanders, Dominik Schultes: In Transit to Constant Time Shortest-Path Queries in Road Networks. ALENEX 2007
37EEStefan Funke, Sören Laue, Rouven Naujoks: Minimum-Energy Broadcast with Few Senders. DCOSS 2007: 404-416
36EEStefan Funke, Nikola Milosavljevic: Guaranteed-Delivery Geographic Routing Under Uncertain Node Locations. INFOCOM 2007: 1244-1252
35EEBoris Aronov, Tetsuo Asano, Stefan Funke: Optimal Triangulation with Steiner Points. ISAAC 2007: 681-691
34EEStefan Funke, Nikola Milosavljevic: Network sketching or: "How Much Geometry Hides in Connectivity?--Part II". SODA 2007: 958-967
33EEStefan Funke, Sören Laue: Bounded-Hop Energy-Efficient Broadcast in Low-Dimensional Metrics Via Coresets. STACS 2007: 272-283
32EEFriedrich Eisenbrand, Stefan Funke, Andreas Karrenbauer, Joachim Reichel, Elmar Schömer: Packing a Truck - Now with a Twist! Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 17(5): 505-527 (2007)
31EEStefan Funke, Alexander Kesselman, Fabian Kuhn, Zvi Lotker, Michael Segal: Improved approximation algorithms for connected sensor cover. Wireless Networks 13(2): 153-164 (2007)
30EEStefan Funke, Theocharis Malamatos, Domagoj Matijevic, Nicola Wolpert: (Approximate) Conic Nearest Neighbors and the induced Voronoi Diagram. CCCG 2006
29EEStefan Funke, Leonidas J. Guibas, An Nguyen, Yusu Wang: Distance-Sensitive Information Brokerage in Sensor Networks. DCOSS 2006: 234-251
28EEStefan Funke, Christian Klein: Hole detection or: "how much geometry hides in connectivity?". Symposium on Computational Geometry 2006: 377-385
27EEStefan Funke, Sören Laue, Zvi Lotker, Rouven Naujoks: Power Assignment Problems in Wireless Communication CoRR abs/cs/0612121: (2006)
26EEStefan Funke, Alexander Kesselman, Ulrich Meyer, Michael Segal: A simple improved distributed algorithm for minimum CDS in unit disk graphs. TOSN 2(3): 444-453 (2006)
25EEStefan Funke, Nikola Milosavljevic: Infrastructure-Establishment from Scratch in Wireless Sensor Networks. DCOSS 2005: 354-367
24EEStefan Funke: Topological hole detection in wireless sensor networks and its applications. DIALM-POMC 2005: 44-53
23EEStefan Funke, Christian Klein, Kurt Mehlhorn, Susanne Schmitt: Controlled perturbation for Delaunay triangulations. SODA 2005: 1047-1056
22EEFriedrich Eisenbrand, Stefan Funke, Andreas Karrenbauer, Domagoj Matijevic: Energy-aware stage illumination. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 336-345
21EEFriedrich Eisenbrand, Stefan Funke, Andreas Karrenbauer, Joachim Reichel, Elmar Schömer: Packing a trunk: now with a twist! Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2005: 197-206
20EESiu-Wing Cheng, Stefan Funke, Mordecai J. Golin, Piyush Kumar, Sheung-Hung Poon, Edgar A. Ramos: Curve reconstruction from noisy samples. Comput. Geom. 31(1-2): 63-100 (2005)
19EEStefan Funke, Kurt Mehlhorn, Stefan Näher: Structural filtering: a paradigm for efficient and exact geometric programs. Comput. Geom. 31(3): 179-194 (2005)
18EEStefan Funke, Theocharis Malamatos, Rahul Ray: Finding Planar Regions in a Terrain - in Practice and with a Guarantee. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 15(4): 379-402 (2005)
17EEErnst Althaus, Stefan Funke, Sariel Har-Peled, Jochen Könemann, Edgar A. Ramos, Martin Skutella: Approximating k-hop minimum-spanning trees. Oper. Res. Lett. 33(2): 115-120 (2005)
16EEStefan Funke, Alexander Kesselman, Zvi Lotker, Michael Segal: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Connected Sensor Cover. ADHOC-NOW 2004: 56-69
15EEErnst Althaus, Friedrich Eisenbrand, Stefan Funke, Kurt Mehlhorn: Point containment in the integer hull of a polyhedron. SODA 2004: 929-933
14EEStefan Funke, Theocharis Malamatos, Rahul Ray: Finding planar regions in a terrain: in practice and with a guarantree. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2004: 96-105
13EEStefan Funke, Domagoj Matijevic, Peter Sanders: Approximating Energy Efficient Paths in Wireless Multi-hop Networks. ESA 2003: 230-241
12EEFriedrich Eisenbrand, Stefan Funke, Joachim Reichel, Elmar Schömer: Packing a Trunk. ESA 2003: 618-629
11EEMarcel Dhiflaoui, Stefan Funke, Carsten Kwappik, Kurt Mehlhorn, Michael Seel, Elmar Schömer, Ralph Schulte, Dennis Weber: Certifying and repairing solutions to large LPs how good are LP-solvers? SODA 2003: 255-256
10EEFriedrich Eisenbrand, Stefan Funke, Naveen Garg, Jochen Könemann: A combinatorial algorithm for computing a maximum independent set in a t-perfect graph. SODA 2003: 517-522
9EESiu-Wing Cheng, Stefan Funke, Mordecai J. Golin, Piyush Kumar, Sheung-Hung Poon, Edgar A. Ramos: Curve reconstruction from noisy samples. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2003: 302-311
8EEStefan Funke, Edgar A. Ramos: Smooth-surface reconstruction in near-linear time. SODA 2002: 781-790
7 Stefan Funke, Kurt Mehlhorn: LOOK: A Lazy Object-Oriented Kernel design for geometric computation. Comput. Geom. 22(1-3): 99-118 (2002)
6EEChristoph Burnikel, Stefan Funke, Kurt Mehlhorn, Stefan Schirra, Susanne Schmitt: A Separation Bound for Real Algebraic Expressions. ESA 2001: 254-265
5EEStefan Funke, Edgar A. Ramos: Reconstructing a collection of curves with corners and endpoints. SODA 2001: 344-353
4 Christoph Burnikel, Stefan Funke, Michael Seel: Exact Geometric Computation Using Cascading. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 11(3): 245-266 (2001)
3EEStefan Funke, Kurt Mehlhorn: Look - a Lazy Object-Oriented Kernel for geometric computation. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2000: 156-165
2EEStefan Funke, Kurt Mehlhorn, Stefan Näher: Structural filtering: A paradigm for efficient and exact geometric programs. CCCG 1999
1EEChristoph Burnikel, Stefan Funke, Michael Seel: Exact Geometric Predicates Using Cascaded Computation. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1998: 175-183

Coauthor Index

1Ernst Althaus [15] [17]
2Boris Aronov [35]
3Tetsuo Asano [35]
4Holger Bast (Hannah Bast) [38]
5Christoph Burnikel [1] [4] [6]
6Siu-Wing Cheng [9] [20]
7Marcel Dhiflaoui [11]
8Daniel Dumitriu [41] [43]
9Friedrich Eisenbrand [10] [12] [15] [21] [22] [32] [40]
10Naveen Garg [10]
11Mordecai J. Golin [9] [20]
12Leonidas J. Guibas [29]
13Sariel Har-Peled [17]
14Andreas Karrenbauer [21] [22] [32] [40]
15Alexander Kesselman (Alexander Keizelman) [16] [26] [31]
16Christian Klein [23] [28]
17Jochen Könemann [10] [17]
18Fabian Kuhn [31]
19Piyush Kumar [9] [20]
20Martin Kutz [41] [43]
21Carsten Kwappik [11]
22Sören Laue [27] [33] [37] [42]
23Zvi Lotker [16] [27] [31] [42]
24Theocharis Malamatos [14] [18] [30]
25Domagoj Matijevic [13] [22] [30] [38] [40]
26Kurt Mehlhorn [2] [3] [6] [7] [11] [15] [19] [23]
27Ulrich Meyer [26]
28Nikola Milosavljevic [25] [34] [36] [41] [43]
29Stefan Näher [2] [19]
30Rouven Naujoks [27] [37] [42]
31An Thai Nguyen (An Nguyen) [29]
32Sheung-Hung Poon [9] [20]
33Edgar A. Ramos [5] [8] [9] [17] [20]
34Imran Rauf [39]
35Rahul Ray [14] [18]
36Joachim Reichel [12] [21] [32]
37Peter Sanders [13] [38]
38Stefan Schirra [6]
39Susanne Schmitt [6] [23]
40Elmar Schömer [11] [12] [21] [32]
41Ralph Schulte [11]
42Dominik Schultes [38]
43Michael Seel [1] [4] [11]
44Michael Segal [16] [26] [31]
45Martin Skutella [17]
46Yusu Wang [29]
47Dennis Weber [11]
48Nicola Wolpert (Nicola Geismann) [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)