
Munehiro Fukuda

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21EEMunehiro Fukuda, Jumpei Miyauchi: An implementation of parallel file distribution in an agent hierarchy. The Journal of Supercomputing 47(3): 255-285 (2009)
20 Munehiro Fukuda, Emory Horvath, Solomon Lane: Fault-Tolerant Job Execution over Multi-Clusters Using Mobile Agents. GCA 2007: 123-129
19 Jumpei Miyauchi, Munehiro Fukuda, Joshua Phillips: An Implementation of Parallel File Distribution in an Agent Hierarchy. PDPTA 2007: 690-696
18 Munehiro Fukuda, Duncan Smith: UWAgents: A Mobile Agent System Optimized for Grid Computing. GCA 2006: 107-113
17EEMunehiro Fukuda, Koichi Kashiwagi, Shin-ya Kobayashi: AgentTeamwork: Coordinating grid-computing jobs with mobile agents. Appl. Intell. 25(2): 181-198 (2006)
16EEMunehiro Fukuda, Yuichiro Tanaka, Naoya Suzuki, Lubomir Bic, Shin-ya Kobayashi: A Mobile-Agent-Based PC Grid . Active Middleware Services 2003: 142-150
15 Koichi Wada, Shinichi Yamagiwa, Munehiro Fukuda: High Performance Network of PC Cluster Maestro. Cluster Computing 5(1): 33-42 (2002)
14EEMunehiro Fukuda, Yuichiro Tanaka, Luis Miguel Campos, Shin-ya Kobayashi: Inter-Cluster Job Coordination Using Mobile Agents. Active Middleware Services 2001: 115-122
13EEMunehiro Fukuda, Naoya Suzuki, Luis Miguel Campos, Shin-ya Kobayashi: Programmability and Performance of M++ Self-Migrating Threads. CLUSTER 2001: 331-340
12EEShinichi Yamagiwa, Munehiro Fukuda, Koichi Wada: Design and Performance of Maestro Cluster Network. CLUSTER 2000: 35-44
11EEShin-ya Kobayashi, Kouji Matsuura, Nobuyuki Ishimori, Munehiro Fukuda: A hierarchical commitment algorithm for permanent time stamp ordering. Systems and Computers in Japan 31(12): 83-92 (2000)
10EENaoya Suzuki, Munehiro Fukuda, Lubomir Bic: Self-Migrating Threads for Multi-Agent Applications. IWCC 1999: 221-228
9 Munehiro Fukuda, Naoya Suzuki, Lubomir Bic: Introducing Dynamic Data Structure into Mobile Agents. PDPTA 1999: 1854-1860
8 Munehiro Fukuda, Lubomir Bic, Michael B. Dillencourt, Jason M. Cahill: Messages versus Messengers in Distributed Programming. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 57(2): 188-211 (1999)
7EEChristian Wicke, Lubomir Bic, Michael B. Dillencourt, Munehiro Fukuda: Automatic State Capture of Self-Migrating Computations in MESSENGERS. Mobile Agents 1998: 68-79
6 Munehiro Fukuda, Lubomir Bic, Michael B. Dillencourt, Fehmina Merchant: Distributed Coordination with MESSENGERS. Sci. Comput. Program. 31(2-3): 291-311 (1998)
5EEMunehiro Fukuda, Lubomir Bic, Michael B. Dillencourt, Fehmina Merchant: A Hierarchical Mapping Scheme for Mobile Agent Systems. FTDCS 1997: 66-71
4 Munehiro Fukuda, Lubomir Bic, Michael B. Dillencourt, Fehmina Merchant: Messages versus Messengers in Distributed Programming. ICDCS 1997: 0-
3 Munehiro Fukuda, Lubomir Bic, Michael B. Dillencourt: Performance of the MESSENGERS Autonomous-Objects-Based System. WWCA 1997: 43-57
2 Munehiro Fukuda, Lubomir Bic, Michael B. Dillencourt, Fehmina Merchant: Intra- and Inter-Object Coordination with MESSENGERS. COORDINATION 1996: 179-196
1 Lubomir Bic, Munehiro Fukuda, Michael B. Dillencourt: Distributed Computing Using Autonomous Objects. IEEE Computer 29(8): 55-61 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Lubomir F. Bic (Lubomir Bic) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [16]
2Jason M. Cahill [8]
3Luis Miguel Campos [13] [14]
4Michael B. Dillencourt [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
5Emory Horvath [20]
6Nobuyuki Ishimori [11]
7Koichi Kashiwagi [17]
8Shin-ya Kobayashi [11] [13] [14] [16] [17]
9Solomon Lane [20]
10Kouji Matsuura [11]
11Fehmina Merchant [2] [4] [5] [6]
12Jumpei Miyauchi [19] [21]
13Joshua Phillips [19]
14Duncan Smith [18]
15Naoya Suzuki [9] [10] [13] [16]
16Yuichiro Tanaka [14] [16]
17Koichi Wada [12] [15]
18Christian Wicke [7]
19Shinichi Yamagiwa [12] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)