
Shinsaku Fujita

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28EEShinsaku Fujita: Group-Theoretical Discussion on the E/Z-Nomenclature for Ethylene Derivatives. Discrimination between RS-Stereoisomeric Groups and Stereoisomeric Groups. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(5): 1719-1726 (2004)
27EEShinsaku Fujita: Systematic Enumeration of Nonrigid Isomers with Given Ligand Symmetries. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 40(1): 135-146 (2000)
26EEShinsaku Fujita: Combinatorial Enumeration of Nonrigid Isomers with Given Ligand Symmetries on the Basis of Promolecules with A Subsymmetry of Dh. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 40(2): 426-437 (2000)
25EEShinsaku Fujita: Characteristic Monomials with Chirality Fittingness for Combinatorial Enumeration of Isomers with Chiral and Achiral Ligands. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 40(5): 1101-1112 (2000)
24EEShinsaku Fujita: Benzene Derivatives with Achiral and Chiral Substituents and Relevant Derivatives Derived from D6h Skeletons. Symmetry-Itemized Enumeration and Symmetry Characterization by the Unit-Subduced Cycle Index Approach. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 39(1): 151-163 (1999)
23EEShinsaku Fujita, Nobuya Tanaka: XyM Notation for Electronic Communication of Organic Chemical Structures. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 39(6): 903-914 (1999)
22EEShinsaku Fujita: XyM Markup Language (XyMML) for Electronic Communication of Chemical Documents Containing Structural Formulas and Reaction Schemes. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 39(6): 915-927 (1999)
21EEShinsaku Fujita: Pseudo-Point Groups and Subsymmetry-Itemized Enumeration for Characterizing the Symmetries of 1, 4-Dioxane and 1, 4-Oxathiane Derivatives. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 38(5): 876-884 (1998)
20EEKeiichiro Ozawa, Toshimasa Yasuda, Shinsaku Fujita: Substructure Search with Tree-Structured Data. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37(4): 688-695 (1997)
19EEShinsaku Fujita: The Sphericity Concept for an Orbit of Bonds. Formulation of Chirogenic Sites in a Homospheric Orbit and of Bond-Differentiating Chiral Reactions with Applications to C60-Adducts. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 36(2): 270-285 (1996)
18EEShinsaku Fujita: Typesetting Structural Formulae with the Text Formatter TeX/LaTeX. Computers & Chemistry 18(2): 109-116 (1994)
17EEShinsaku Fujita: Promolecules with a subsymmetry of D.infin.h. Combinatorial enumeration and stereochemical properties. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 32(4): 354-363 (1992)
16EEShinsaku Fujita: Subductive and inductive derivation for designing molecules of high symmetry. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 31(4): 540-546 (1991)
15EEShinsaku Fujita: Formulation of isomeric reaction types and systematic enumeration of six-electron pericyclic reactions. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 29(1): 22-30 (1989)
14EEShinsaku Fujita: Logical perception of ring-opening, ring-closure, and rearrangement reactions based on imaginary transition structures. Selection of the essential set of essential rings (ESER). Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 28(1): 1-9 (1988)
13EEShinsaku Fujita: A new algorithm for selection of synthetically important rings. The essential set of essential rings for organic structures. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 28(2): 78-82 (1988)
12EEShinsaku Fujita: Canonical numbering and coding of imaginary transition structures. A novel approach to the linear coding of individual organic reactions. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 28(3): 128-137 (1988)
11EEShinsaku Fujita: Canonical numbering and coding of reaction center graphs and reduced reaction center graphs abstracted from imaginary transition structures. A novel approach to the linear coding of reaction types. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 28(3): 137-142 (1988)
10EEShinsaku Fujita: Description of organic reactions based on imaginary transition structures. 7. Classification and enumeration of two-string reactions with two or more common nodes. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 27(3): 104-110 (1987)
9EEShinsaku Fujita: Description of organic reactions based on imaginary transition structures. 8. Synthesis space attached by a charge space and three-dimensional imaginary transition structures with charges. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 27(3): 111-115 (1987)
8EEShinsaku Fujita: Description of organic reactions based on imaginary transition structures. 9. Single-access perception of rearrangement reactions. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 27(3): 115-120 (1987)
7EEShinsaku Fujita: Structure-reaction type paradigm in the conventional methods of describing organic reactions and the concept of imaginary transition structures overcoming this paradigm. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 27(3): 120-126 (1987)
6EEShinsaku Fujita: Description of organic reactions based on imaginary transition structures. 6. Classification and enumeration of two-string reactions with one common node. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 27(3): 99-104 (1987)
5EEShinsaku Fujita: Description of organic reactions based on imaginary transition structures. 1. Introduction of new concepts. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 26(4): 205-212 (1986)
4EEShinsaku Fujita: Description of organic reactions based on imaginary transition structures. 2. Classification of one-string reactions having an even-membered cyclic reaction graph. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 26(4): 212-223 (1986)
3EEShinsaku Fujita: Description of organic reactions based on imaginary transition structures. 3. Classification of one-string reactions having an odd-membered cyclic reaction graph. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 26(4): 224-230 (1986)
2EEShinsaku Fujita: Description of organic reactions based on imaginary transition structures. 4. Three-nodal and four-nodal subgraphs for a systematic characterization of reactions. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 26(4): 231-237 (1986)
1EEShinsaku Fujita: Description of organic reactions based on imaginary transition structures. 5. Recombination of reaction strings in a synthesis space and its application to the description of synthetic pathways. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 26(4): 238-242 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Keiichiro Ozawa [20]
2Nobuya Tanaka [23]
3Toshimasa Yasuda [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)