
Satoru Fujita

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7EESeiichi Koizumi, Shigeru Hosono, Satoru Fujita: BizCast: Business Process Performance Model with Workload Overlap Analysis. ICWS 2006: 445-452
6EEHidehito Gomi, Makoto Hatakeyama, Shigeru Hosono, Satoru Fujita: A delegation framework for federated identity management. Digital Identity Management 2005: 94-103
5EEKazuya Koyama, Keiichi Iguchi, Shigeru Hosono, Satoru Fujita: Web Services Proxy: An Extensible Platform for Intermediaries of XML Networks. ICWS 2005: 246-253
4EEKeiichi Iguchi, Kazuya Koyama, Shigeru Hosono, Satoru Fujita: Schema Based Enhancement of XPath Engine. ICWS 2005: 665-672
3EEYasuo Matsumoto, Satoru Fujita: An auction agent for bidding on combinations of items. Agents 2001: 552-559
2EESatoru Fujita, Kazuya Koyama, Toru Yamanouchi, Suresh Jagannathan, Richard Kelsey, James Philbin: Mobile and Distributed Agents in Mobidget. ASA/MA 1999: 276-292
1 Motohide Otsubo, Satoru Fujita, Toru Yamanouchi: Intelligent Command Control for VLSI CAD Systems. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 1038-1044

Coauthor Index

1Hidehito Gomi [6]
2Makoto Hatakeyama [6]
3Shigeru Hosono [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Keiichi Iguchi [4] [5]
5Suresh Jagannathan [2]
6Richard Kelsey [2]
7Seiichi Koizumi [7]
8Kazuya Koyama [2] [4] [5]
9Yasuo Matsumoto [3]
10Motohide Otsubo [1]
11James Philbin [2]
12Toru Yamanouchi [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)