
Naoyuki Fujita

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4EENaoyuki Fujita, Hirofumi Ohkawa: Bandwidth challenge - Secure file sharing. SC 2006: 240
3EENaoyuki Fujita, Hirofumi Ookawa: Storage Devices, Local File System and Crossbar Network File System Characteristics, and 1 Terabyte File IO Benchmark on the "Numerical Simulator III" . IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 2003: 72-75
2EENaoyuki Fujita, Hirofumi Ookawa: The GSN Library and FORTRAN Level I/O Benchmarks on the NS-III HPC System. ISHPC 2003: 458-467
1 Naoyuki Fujita: Multi Layer Monitoring Function on Unauthorized Network Access Analysis Method. ISAS-SCI (1) 2001: 371-376

Coauthor Index

1Hirofumi Ohkawa [4]
2Hirofumi Ookawa [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)