
Ke-Xiang Fu

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5EEJian-Yi Ma, Jing-Bo Wang, Xiang-Yuan Li, Yao Huang, Quan Zhu, Ke-Xiang Fu: A study on orientation and absorption spectrum of interfacial molecules by using continuum model. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(2): 198-210 (2008)
4EEKe-Xiang Fu, Quan Zhu, Xiang-Yuan Li, Zhen Gong, Jian-Yi Ma, Rong-Xing He: Continuous medium theory for nonequilibrium solvation: IV. Solvent reorganization energy of electron transfer based on conductor-like screening model. Journal of Computational Chemistry 27(3): 368-374 (2006)
3EEQuan Zhu, Ke-Xiang Fu, Xiang-Yuan Li, Zhen Gong, Jian-Yi Ma: Continuous medium theory for nonequilibrium solvation: III. Solvation shift by monopole approximation and multipole expansion in spherical cavity. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(4): 399-409 (2005)
2EEXiang-Yuan Li, Ke-Xiang Fu: Continuous medium theory for nonequilibrium solvation: I. How to correctly evaluate solvation free energy of nonequilibrium. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(4): 500-509 (2004)
1EEXiang-Yuan Li, Ke-Xiang Fu, Quan Zhu, Min-Hua Shan: Continuous medium theory for nonequilibrium solvation: II. Interaction energy between solute charge and reaction field and single-sphere model for spectral shift. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(6): 835-842 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Zhen Gong [3] [4]
2Rong-Xing He [4]
3Yao Huang [5]
4Xiang-Yuan Li [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Jian-Yi Ma [3] [4] [5]
6Min-Hua Shan [1]
7Jing-Bo Wang [5]
8Quan Zhu [1] [3] [4] [5]

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