
Shmuel Friedland

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8EEShmuel Friedland: On the graph isomorphism problem CoRR abs/0801.0398: (2008)
7EEShmuel Friedland, Leonid Gurvits: Lower Bounds for Partial Matchings in Regular Bipartite Graphs and Applications to the Monomer-Dimer Entropy. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 17(3): 347-361 (2008)
6EEShmuel Friedland: FPRAS for computing a lower bound for weighted matching polynomial of graphs CoRR abs/cs/0703029: (2007)
5EEShmuel Friedland, Daniel Levy: A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the number of k-matchings in bipartite graphs CoRR abs/cs/0607135: (2006)
4EEShmuel Friedland, Mostafa Kaveh, Amir Niknejad, Hossein Zare: Fast Monte-Carlo Low Rank Approximations for Matrices CoRR abs/math/0510573: (2005)
3 Jon-Lark Kim, Uri N. Peled, I. Perepelitsa, Vera Pless, Shmuel Friedland: Explicit construction of families of LDPC codes with no 4-cycles. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(10): 2378-2388 (2004)
2EEShmuel Friedland: Coherent algebras and the graph isomorphism problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 25(1-2): 73-98 (1989)
1EEShmuel Friedland: Every 7-regular digraph contains an even cycle. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 46(2): 249-252 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Leonid Gurvits [7]
2Mostafa Kaveh [4]
3Jon-Lark Kim [3]
4Daniel Levy [5]
5Amir Niknejad [4]
6Uri N. Peled [3]
7I. Perepelitsa [3]
8Vera Pless [3]
9Hossein Zare [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)