
Arne Frick

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12EEUgur Dogrusöz, Qing-Wen Feng, Brendan Madden, Michael Doorley, Arne Frick: Graph Visualization Toolkits. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 22(1): 30-37 (2002)
11 Arne Frick, Gerhard Goos, Rainer Neumann, Wolf Zimmermann: Construction of robust class hierarchies. Softw., Pract. Exper. 30(5): 481-543 (2000)
10 Arne Frick: Visualisierung von Programmabläufen. GI Jahrestagung 1998: 117-126
9EEWolf Zimmermann, Arne Frick, Rainer Neumann: The Construction Principles of the Class Library KARLA. Generic Programming 1998: 53-68
8EEArne Frick, Brendan Madden: Flexible Graph Layout and Editing for Commercial Applications. Graph Drawing 1998: 446-447
7 Arne Frick, Rainer Neumann, Wolf Zimmermann: Eine Methode zur Konstruktion robuster Klassenhierarchien. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 12(4): 186-195 (1997)
6 Arne Frick: Upper Bounds on the Number of Hidden Nodes in Sugiyama's Algorithm. Graph Drawing 1996: 169-183
5 Arne Frick, Can Keskin, Volker Vogelmann: Integration of Declarative Approaches. Graph Drawing 1996: 184-192
4 Reinhard Sablowski, Arne Frick: Automatic Graph Clustering. Graph Drawing 1996: 395-400
3 Arne Frick, Walter Zimmer, Wolf Zimmermann: Konstruktion robuster und flexibler Klassenbibliotheken. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 11(4): 168-178 (1996)
2 Ingo Bruß, Arne Frick: Fast Interactive 3-D Graph Visualization. Graph Drawing 1995: 99-110
1 Arne Frick, Andreas Ludwig, Heiko Mehldau: A Fast Adaptive Layout Algorithm for Undirected Graphs. Graph Drawing 1994: 388-403

Coauthor Index

1Ingo Bruß [2]
2Ugur Dogrusöz [12]
3Michael Doorley [12]
4Qing-Wen Feng [12]
5Gerhard Goos [11]
6Can Keskin [5]
7Andreas Ludwig [1]
8Brendan Madden [8] [12]
9Heiko Mehldau [1]
10Rainer Neumann [7] [9] [11]
11Reinhard Sablowski [4]
12Volker Vogelmann [5]
13Walter Zimmer [3]
14Wolf Zimmermann [3] [7] [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)