
André Freyssinet

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7EEVivien Quéma, Roland Balter, Luc Bellissard, David Féliot, André Freyssinet, Serge Lacourte: Asynchronous, Hierarchical, and Scalable Deployment of Component-Based Applications. Component Deployment 2004: 50-64
6 Vivien Quéma, Roland Balter, André Freyssinet, Serge Lacourte: ScalAgent, une plate-forme à composants pour applications asynchrones. Technique et Science Informatiques 23(2): 253-274 (2004)
5EELuc Bellissard, Noel De Palma, André Freyssinet, M. Herrmann, Serge Lacourte: An Agent Platform for Reliable Asynchronous Distributed Programming. SRDS 1999: 294-295
4 Daniel Hagimont, Pierre-Yves Chevalier, André Freyssinet, Sacha Krakowiak, Serge Lacourte, Jacques Mossière, Xavier Rousset de Pina: Persistent Shared Object Support in the Guide System: Evaluation & Related Work. OOPSLA 1994: 129-144
3EERoland Balter, Pierre-Yves Chevalier, André Freyssinet, Daniel Hagimont, Serge Lacourte, Xavier Rousset de Pina: Is Microkernel Technology Well Suited for the Support of Object-Oriented Systems: The Guide Experience. USENIX Microkernels and Other Kernel Architectures Symposium 1993: 1-12
2 Roland Balter, J. Bernadat, Dominique Decouchant, Andrzej Duda, André Freyssinet, Sacha Krakowiak, M. Meysembourg, P. Le Dot, H. Nguyen Van, E. Paire, Michel Riveill, Cécile Roisin, Xavier Rousset de Pina, R. Scioville, G. Vandôme: Architecture and Implementation of Guide, an Object-Oriented Distributed System. Computing Systems 4(1): 31-67 (1991)
1EERoland Balter, Dominique Decouchant, Andrzej Duda, André Freyssinet, Sacha Krakowiak, M. Meysembourg, Cécile Roisin, Xavier Rousset de Pina, R. Scioville, G. Vandôme: Object-based distributed computation in the Guide operating system. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1988

Coauthor Index

1Roland Balter [1] [2] [3] [6] [7]
2Luc Bellissard [5] [7]
3J. Bernadat [2]
4Pierre-Yves Chevalier [3] [4]
5Dominique Decouchant [1] [2]
6P. Le Dot [2]
7Andrzej Duda [1] [2]
8David Féliot [7]
9Daniel Hagimont [3] [4]
10M. Herrmann [5]
11Sacha Krakowiak [1] [2] [4]
12Serge Lacourte [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
13M. Meysembourg [1] [2]
14Jacques Mossière [4]
15E. Paire [2]
16Noel De Palma [5]
17Xavier Rousset de Pina [1] [2] [3] [4]
18Vivien Quéma [6] [7]
19Michel Riveill [2]
20Cécile Roisin [1] [2]
21R. Scioville [1] [2]
22H. Nguyen Van [2]
23G. Vandôme [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)