
Maximilian Frey

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7EEMaximilian Frey, Bernd-Holger Schlingloff: Conformance of Distributed Systems. TestCom 2003: 163-179
6EEMaximilian Frey, Markus Podolsky: Specifying and Analyzing Distributed Object-Oriented Systems. PDSE 1999: 38-51
5EEMaximilian Frey, Bernd-Holger Schlingloff: On-the-Fly Model Checking of Program Runs for Automated Debugging. EUROMICRO 1998: 10426-
4EEMarjeta Frey-Pucko, Maximilian Frey: Multi-View Specification of CSCW Applications. EUROMICRO 1998: 20484-20491
3EEMaximilian Frey, Michael Oberhuber, Markus Podolsky: Framework for Testing based Development of Parallel and Distributed Programs. PDSE 1998: 246-253
2 Maximilian Frey: Debugging parallel programs using temporal logic specifications. Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems 1996: 122-133
1 Maximilian Frey, Andreas Weininger: Using Specifications for Debugging Parallel Programs. Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing 1994: 135-144

Coauthor Index

1Marjeta Frey-Pucko [4]
2Michael Oberhuber [3]
3Markus Podolsky [3] [6]
4Bernd-Holger Schlingloff [5] [7]
5Andreas Weininger [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)