
Eric Freudenthal

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8 Steven Gutstein, Olac Fuentes, Eric Freudenthal: The Utility of Knowledge Transfer for Noisy Data. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 59-64
7EESteven Gutstein, Olac Fuentes, Eric Freudenthal: Knowledge Transfer in Deep convolutional Neural Nets. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 17(3): 555-567 (2008)
6 Steven Gutstein, Olac Fuentes, Eric Freudenthal: Knowledge Transfer in Deep Convolutional Neural Nets. FLAIRS Conference 2007: 104-109
5EEEric Freudenthal, Vijay Karamcheti: DisCo: Middleware for Securely Deploying Decomposable Services in Partly Trusted Environments. ICDCS 2004: 494-503
4EEMichael J. Freedman, Eric Freudenthal, David Mazières: Democratizing Content Publication with Coral. NSDI 2004: 239-252
3EEEric Freudenthal, Tracy Pesin, Lawrence Port, Edward Keenan, Vijay Karamcheti: dRBAC: Distributed Role-based Access Control for Dynamic Coalition Environments. ICDCS 2002: 411-420
2EEEric Freudenthal, Lawrence Port, Tracy Pesin, Edward Keenan: Switchboard: Secure, Monitored Connections for Client-Server Communication. ICDCS Workshops 2002: 660-665
1 Eric Freudenthal, Allan Gottlieb: Process Coordination with Fetch-and-Increment. ASPLOS 1991: 260-268

Coauthor Index

1Michael J. Freedman [4]
2Olac Fuentes [6] [7] [8]
3Allan Gottlieb [1]
4Steven Gutstein [6] [7] [8]
5Vijay Karamcheti [3] [5]
6Edward Keenan [2] [3]
7David Mazières [4]
8Tracy Pesin [2] [3]
9Lawrence Port [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)