
Richard F. Freitas

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4EERichard F. Freitas, Winfried W. Wilcke: Storage-class memory: The next storage system technology. IBM Journal of Research and Development 52(4-5): 439-448 (2008)
3EEGarth A. Gibson, Mark H. Kryder, Richard F. Freitas: Exotic technologies II - HPC storage systems of 2020. SC 2006: 296
2EEWinfried W. Wilcke, Robert B. Garner, Claudio Fleiner, Richard F. Freitas, Richard A. Golding, Joseph S. Glider, Deepak R. Kenchammana-Hosekote, James Lee Hafner, K. Moidin Mohiuddin, K. K. Rao, Ralph A. Becker-Szendy, Theodore M. Wong, Omer A. Zaki, Manuel Hernandez, Kenneth R. Fernandez, Harald Huels, Heinz Lenk, Klaus Smolin, Manfred Ries, Carsten Goettert, Thomas Picunko, Barry J. Rubin, Howard Kahn, Timothy Loo: IBM Intelligent Bricks project - Petabytes and beyond. IBM Journal of Research and Development 50(2-3): 181-198 (2006)
1 Barry R. Borgerson, Richard F. Freitas: A Reliability Model for Gracefully Degrading and Standby-Sparing Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(5): 517-525 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Ralph A. Becker-Szendy [2]
2Barry R. Borgerson [1]
3Kenneth R. Fernandez [2]
4Claudio Fleiner [2]
5Robert B. Garner [2]
6Garth A. Gibson [3]
7Joseph S. Glider [2]
8Carsten Goettert [2]
9Richard A. Golding [2]
10James Lee Hafner (James L. Hafner) [2]
11Manuel Hernandez [2]
12Harald Huels [2]
13Howard Kahn [2]
14Deepak R. Kenchammana-Hosekote [2]
15Mark H. Kryder [3]
16Heinz Lenk [2]
17Timothy Loo [2]
18K. Moidin Mohiuddin [2]
19Thomas Picunko [2]
20K. K. Rao [2]
21Manfred Ries [2]
22Barry J. Rubin [2]
23Klaus Smolin [2]
24Winfried W. Wilcke [2] [4]
25Theodore M. Wong [2]
26Omer A. Zaki [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)