
Burkhard Freitag

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52EEMatthias Beck, Burkhard Freitag: Weighted Boolean conditions for ranking. ICDE Workshops 2008: 568-571
51 Matthias Beck, Sven Radde, Burkhard Freitag: Ranking von Produktempfehlungen mit präferenz-annotiertem SQL. BTW 2007: 82-95
50EEStephan Kiemle, Burkhard Freitag: Providing Context-Sensitive Access to the Earth Observation Product Library. ECDL 2007: 223-234
49 Sven Radde, Burkhard Freitag: SIPREACT - Kontextsensitive Beratungssysteme. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2007: 259-262
48EEStefan Kurz, Michael Guppenberger, Burkhard Freitag: A UML Profile for Modeling Schema Mappings. ER (Workshops) 2006: 53-62
47EEPetra Schwaiger, Burkhard Freitag: Using Answer Set Programming for the Automatic Compilation of Assessment Tests. ICLP 2006: 300-314
46EEFranz Weitl, Burkhard Freitag: Checking Content Consistency of Integrated Web Documents. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 21(3): 418-429 (2006)
45EEMichael Guppenberger, Burkhard Freitag: Intelligent creation of notification events in information systems: concept, implementation and evaluation. CIKM 2005: 52-59
44EEFranz Weitl, Burkhard Freitag: Checking Semantic Integrity Constraints on Integrated Web Documents. ER (Workshops) 2004: 198-209
43 Franz Weitl, Burkhard Freitag: Datenqualität durch inhaltsbezogene Referenzierung. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2004: 336-340
42 Burkhard Freitag, Tobias Geis: Ein Ansatz zur dynamischen Anpassung von Webservices. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2004: 362-366
41EEAlfred Fent, Herbert Reiter, Burkhard Freitag: Design for Change: Evolving Workflow Specifications in ULTRAflow. CAiSE 2002: 516-534
40 Burkhard Freitag: LMML - Eine XML - Sprachfamilie für eLearning Content. GI Jahrestagung 2002: 349-353
39 Burkhard Freitag, Christian Süß, Claus Dziarstek: Adaptation und Wiederverwendung von XMl-basiertem eLearning-Content. GI Jahrestagung 2002: 354-358
38 Christian Süß, Ulrich Zukowski, Burkhard Freitag: Data Modeling and Relational Storage of XML-based Teachwar. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2001: 378-387
37 Stefan Brass, Jürgen Dix, Burkhard Freitag, Ulrich Zukowski: Transformation-based bottom-up computation of the well-founded model. TPLP 1(5): 497-538 (2001)
36EEStefan Brass, Jürgen Dix, Burkhard Freitag, Ulrich Zukowski: Transformation-Based Bottom-Up Computation of the Well-Founded Model CoRR cs.LO/0011013: (2000)
35EEChristian Süß, Burkhard Freitag: Metamodeling for Web-Based Teachware Management. ER (Workshops) 1999: 360-373
34EEBurkhard Freitag, Kader Hameurlain: Parallel and Distributed Databases - Introduction. Euro-Par 1999: 449
33 Alfred Fent, Carl-Alexander Wichert, Burkhard Freitag: Logical Update Queries as Open Nested Transactions. FMLDO 1999: 174-188
32EEAlfred Fent, Carl-Alexander Wichert, Burkhard Freitag: Logical Update Queries as Open Nested Transactions. FMLDO - Selected Papers 1999: 45-66
31 Ulrich Zukowski, Burkhard Freitag: Well-founded Semantics by Transformation: The Non-ground Case. ICLP 1999: 456-470
30 Burkhard Freitag, Hendrik Decker, Michael Kifer, Andrei Voronkov: Transactions and Change in Logic Databases, International Seminar on Logic Databases and the Meaning of Change, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, September 23-27, 1996 and ILPS '97 Post-Conference Workshop on (Trans)Actions and Change in Logic Programming and Deductive Databases, (DYNAMICS'97) Port Jefferson, NY, USA, October 17, 1997, Invited Surveys and Selected Papers Springer 1998
29EECarl-Alexander Wichert, Burkhard Freitag, Alfred Fent: Logical Transactions and Serializability. Transactions and Change in Logic Databases 1998: 134-165
28 Carl-Alexander Wichert, Burkhard Freitag: Regelbasierte Spezifikation von Datenbank-Updates. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1997: 103-107
27 Ulrich Zukowski, Burkhard Freitag: Transformations-basierte differentielle Queryevaluation. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1997: 108-112
26 Carl-Alexander Wichert, Burkhard Freitag: Capturing Database Dynamics by Deferred Updates. ICLP 1997: 226-240
25 Ulrich Zukowski, Burkhard Freitag, Stefan Brass: Differential Bottom-Up Computation of the Well-Founded Semantics. ICLP 1997: 421
24 Anthony J. Bonner, Burkhard Freitag, Laura Giordano, Robert A. Kowalski: Workshop DYNAMICS 97: (Trans)Actions and Change in Logic Programming and Deductive Databases. ILPS 1997: 415-416
23 Ulrich Zukowski, Burkhard Freitag: The Deductive Database System LOLA. LPNMR 1997: 376-387
22 Ulrich Zukowski, Burkhard Freitag, Stefan Brass: Improving the Alternating Fixpoint: The Transformation Approach. LPNMR 1997: 4-59
21 Ulrich Zukowski, Burkhard Freitag: An Overview of the LOLA System (system description). WLP 1997: 0-
20 Ulrich Zukowski, Burkhard Freitag: The Differential Fixpoint of General Logic Programs. DDLP 1996: 45-56
19 Carl-Alexander Wichert, Burkhard Freitag: Logical Specification of Bulk Updates and Sequential Updates. DDLP 1996: 79-93
18 Ulrich Zukowski, Burkhard Freitag: Adding Flexibility to Query Evaluation for Modularly Stratified Databases. JICSLP 1996: 304-318
17 Stefan Brass, Ulrich Zukowski, Burkhard Freitag: Transformation-Based Bottom-Up Computation of the Well-Founded Model. NMELP 1996: 171-201
16EEBurkhard Freitag, Bernhard Steffen, Tiziana Margaria, Ulrich Zukowski: An Approach to Intelligent Software Library Management. DASFAA 1995: 71-78
15 Burkhard Freitag: A Hypertext-Based Tool for Large Scale Software Reuse CAiSE 1994: 283-296
14 Burkhard Freitag: Representing Objects as Modules in Deductive Databases. Workshop on Deductive Databases and Logic Programming 1994: 41-56
13 Burkhard Freitag, Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen: A Pragmatic Approach to Software Synthesis. Workshop on Interface Definition Languages 1994: 46-58
12 Günther Specht, Burkhard Freitag: AMOS: A Natural Language Parser Implemented as a Deductive Database in LOLA. Workshop on Programming with Logic Databases (Book), ILPS 1993: 197-215
11 Günther Specht, Burkhard Freitag, Heribert Schütz: AMOS: A Natural Language Parser written in LOLA. Workshop on Programming with Logic Databases (Informal Proceedings), ILPS 1993: 124-133
10 Burkhard Freitag, Heribert Schütz, Günther Specht: Overview of the deductive database system LOLA. Workshop on Programming with Logic Databases (Informal Proceedings), ILPS 1993: 166
9 Burkhard Freitag: Bottom-up evaluation of embedded implications. CNKBS 1992: 24-26
8 Burkhard Freitag: Bottom-Up Evaluation of Embedded Implications. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1992: 30-34
7 Burkhard Freitag: Extending Deductive Database Languages by Embedded Implications. LPAR 1992: 84-95
6 Burkhard Freitag, Heribert Schütz, Günther Specht, Rudolf Bayer, Ulrich Güntzer: LOLA - ein deduktives Datenbanksystem. Objektbanken für Experten 1992: 1-28
5EEBurkhard Freitag, Heribert Schütz, Günther Specht: LOLA - A Logic Language for Deductive Databases and its Implementation. DASFAA 1991: 216-225
4EEJohann Kempe, T. Lenz, Burkhard Freitag, Heribert Schütz, Günther Specht: CL/TB an allegro common Lisp programming interface for TransBase. SIGPLAN Notices 26(8): 60-69 (1991)
3 Burkhard Freitag, Günther Specht: A Parsing System Based on a Deductive Database. GWAI 1989: 280-289
2 Burkhard Freitag, Bernhard Huber, Wolfgang Womann: An Integrated Knowledge Based Assembly Control System for Automobile Manufacturing. IJCAI 1989: 1369-1374
1 Burkhard Freitag, Olaf Biernath: An Airtravel Expert Database. JCDKB 1988: 32-46

Coauthor Index

1Rudolf Bayer [6]
2Matthias Beck [51] [52]
3Olaf Biernath [1]
4Anthony J. Bonner [24]
5Stefan Brass [17] [22] [25] [36] [37]
6Hendrik Decker [30]
7Jürgen Dix [36] [37]
8Claus Dziarstek [39]
9Alfred Fent [29] [32] [33] [41]
10Tobias Geis [42]
11Laura Giordano [24]
12Ulrich Güntzer [6]
13Michael Guppenberger [45] [48]
14Kader Hameurlain [34]
15Bernhard Huber [2]
16Johann Kempe [4]
17Stephan Kiemle [50]
18Michael Kifer [30]
19Robert A. Kowalski [24]
20Stefan Kurz [48]
21T. Lenz [4]
22Tiziana Margaria (Tiziana Margaria-Steffen) [13] [16]
23Sven Radde [49] [51]
24Herbert Reiter [41]
25Heribert Schütz [4] [5] [6] [10] [11]
26Petra Schwaiger [47]
27Günther Specht [3] [4] [5] [6] [10] [11] [12]
28Bernhard Steffen [13] [16]
29Christian Süß [35] [38] [39]
30Andrei Voronkov [30]
31Franz Weitl [43] [44] [46]
32Carl-Alexander Wichert [19] [26] [28] [29] [32] [33]
33Wolfgang Womann [2]
34Ulrich Zukowski [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [25] [27] [31] [36] [37] [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)