
John L. Freeman

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3EEMichael Karo, Christopher Dwan, John L. Freeman, Ernest F. Retzel, Jon B. Weissman, Miron Livny: Applying Grid Technologies to Bioinformatics. HPDC 2001: 441-442
2 Kevin A. T. Silverstein, Elizabeth Shoop, James E. Johnson, Alan Kilian, John L. Freeman, Timothy M. Kunau, Ihab A. Awad, Margaret Mayer, Ernest F. Retzel: The MetaFam Server: a comprehensive protein family resource. Nucleic Acids Research 29(1): 49-51 (2001)
1 Kevin A. T. Silverstein, Alan Kilian, John L. Freeman, James E. Johnson, Ihab A. Awad, Ernest F. Retzel: PANAL: an integrated resource for Protein sequence ANALysis. Bioinformatics 16(12): 1157-1158 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Ihab A. Awad [1] [2]
2Christopher Dwan [3]
3James E. Johnson [1] [2]
4Michael Karo [3]
5Alan Kilian [1] [2]
6Timothy M. Kunau [2]
7Miron Livny [3]
8Margaret Mayer [2]
9Ernest F. Retzel (Ernest Retzel) [1] [2] [3]
10Elizabeth Shoop [2]
11Kevin A. T. Silverstein [1] [2]
12Jon B. Weissman [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)