
Manel Fredj

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3EELetian Rong, Manel Fredj, Valérie Issarny, Nikolaos Georgantas: Mobility management in B3G networks: a middleware-based approach. ESSPE 2007: 41-45
2EELetian Rong, Thomas Wallet, Manel Fredj, Nikolaos Georgantas: Mobile medical diagnosis: an m-health initiative through service continuity in B3G. Middleware (Demos and Posters) 2007: 9
1EEApostolos Zarras, Manel Fredj, Nikolaos Georgantas, Valérie Issarny: Engineering Reconfigurable Distributed Software Systems: Issues Arising for Pervasive Computing. RODIN Book 2006: 364-386

Coauthor Index

1Nikolaos Georgantas [1] [2] [3]
2Valérie Issarny [1] [3]
3Letian Rong [2] [3]
4Thomas Wallet [2]
5Apostolos Zarras [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)