
Jean-Marc Frayret

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7EESatyaveer Singh Chauhan, Jean-Marc Frayret, Luc LeBel: Multi-commodity supply network planning in the forest supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research 196(2): 688-696 (2009)
6EELuis Antonio de Santa-Eulalia, Sophie D'Amours, Jean-Marc Frayret: A methodological framework for the analysis of agent-based supply chain planning simulations. SpringSim 2008: 1
5EEM. Sabar, Benoît Montreuil, Jean-Marc Frayret: Competency and preference based personnel scheduling in large assembly lines. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 21(4): 468-479 (2008)
4EEJonathan Gaudreault, Jean-Marc Frayret, Gilles Pesant: Discrepancy-Based Method for Hierarchical Distributed Optimization. ICTAI (2) 2007: 75-81
3EELouis Cloutier, Jean-Marc Frayret, Sophie D'Amours, Bernard Espinasse, Benoît Montreuil: A commitment-oriented framework for networked manufacturing co-ordination. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 14(6): 522-534 (2001)
2 Louis Cloutier, Jean-Marc Frayret, Sophie D'Amours, Benoît Montreuil: The NetMan agent-based architecture for E-business in network organizations. E-Business and Virtual Enterprises 2000: 157-166
1 Jean-Marc Frayret, Louis Cloutier, Benoît Montreuil, Sophie D'Amours: A distributed framework for collaborative supply network integration. E-Business and Virtual Enterprises 2000: 233-244

Coauthor Index

1Satyaveer Singh Chauhan [7]
2Louis Cloutier [1] [2] [3]
3Sophie D'Amours [1] [2] [3] [6]
4Bernard Espinasse [3]
5Jonathan Gaudreault [4]
6Luc LeBel [7]
7Benoît Montreuil [1] [2] [3] [5]
8Gilles Pesant [4]
9M. Sabar [5]
10Luis Antonio de Santa-Eulalia [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)