
Tom Frauenhofer

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3EEWerner Geyer, Heather A. Richter, Ludwin Fuchs, Tom Frauenhofer, Shahrokh Daijavad, Steven E. Poltrock: A team collaboration space supporting capture and access of virtual meetings. GROUP 2001: 188-196
2EELudwin Fuchs, Steven E. Poltrock, Werner Geyer, Tom Frauenhofer, Shahrokh Daijavad, Heather A. Richter: Enabling Inter-Company Team Collaboration. WETICE 2001: 374-379
1EEShahrokh Daijavad, Tong-Haing Fin, Tom Frauenhofer, Tetsu Fujisaki, Alison Lee, Maroun Touma, Catherine G. Wolf: User experience of CLIVE/mbanx solution. CSCW 2000: 352

Coauthor Index

1Shahrokh Daijavad [1] [2] [3]
2Tong-Haing Fin [1]
3Ludwin Fuchs [2] [3]
4Tetsu Fujisaki [1]
5Werner Geyer [2] [3]
6Alison Lee [1]
7Steven E. Poltrock [2] [3]
8Heather Richter (Heather A. Richter) [2] [3]
9Maroun Touma [1]
10Catherine G. Wolf [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)