
Simon Fraser

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4EEKatrin Rohlf, Simon Fraser, Raymond Kapral: Reactive multiparticle collision dynamics. Computer Physics Communications 179(1-3): 132-139 (2008)
3EESimon Fraser, Richard Banach: Configurable Proof Obligations in the Frog Toolkit. SEFM 2007: 361-370
2EERichard Banach, Simon Fraser: Retrenchment and the B-Toolkit. ZB 2005: 203-221
1 Subrata Dasgupta, Simon Fraser: The Design of Some Language Constructs for Horizontal Microprogramming. ISCA 1977: 10-16

Coauthor Index

1Richard Banach [2] [3]
2Subrata Dasgupta [1]
3Raymond Kapral [4]
4Katrin Rohlf [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)