
Matthias Frank

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26EENils Aschenbruck, Elmar Gerhards-Padilla, Michael Gerharz, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini: Modelling mobility in disaster area scenarios. MSWiM 2007: 4-12
25EENils Aschenbruck, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini, Jens Tölle, Roland Legat, Heinz-Dieter Richmann: Present and Future Challenges Concerning DoS-attacks against PSAPs in VoIP Networks. IWIA 2006: 103-108
24EENils Aschenbruck, Michael Gerharz, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini: Modelling Voice Communication in Disaster Area Scenarios. LCN 2006: 211-220
23 Christoph Barz, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini, Markus Pilz: Receiver-Based Path Capacity Estimation for TCP. KiVS Kurzbeiträge und Workshop 2005: 25-32
22 Diego Bohman, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini, Christoph Scholz: Performance of Symmetric Neighbor Discovery in Bluetooth Ad Hoc Networks. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2004: 138-142
21EENils Aschenbruck, Matthias Frank, Wolfgang Hansmann, Peter Martini, Christoph Scholz, Jens Tölle: Integration of 3G Protocols into the Linux Kernel to Enable the Use of Generic Bearers. HSNMC 2004: 533-544
20EENils Aschenbruck, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini, Jens Tölle: Human Mobility in MANET Disaster Area Simulation - A Realistic Approach. LCN 2004: 668-675
19EEWolfgang Hansmann, Matthias Frank: On Things to Happen During a TCP Handover. LCN 2003: 109-
18EEMarkus Albrecht, Matthias Frank, Rolf Göpffarth: A scalable method for treating bottlenecks in a dynamically controlled DiffServ environment. LCN 2003: 32-41
17EESimon Baatz, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini, Christoph Scholz: A Worst-Case Model for Co-Channel Interference in the Bluetooth Wireless System. LCN 2003: 346-355
16EESimon Baatz, Matthias Frank, Carmen Kühl, Peter Martini, Christoph Scholz: Bluetooth Scatternets: An Enhanced Adaptive Scheduling Scheme. INFOCOM 2002
15EEMichael Gerharz, Christian de Waal, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini: Link Stability in Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. LCN 2002: 30-42
14EEWolfgang Hansmann, Matthias Frank, Michael Wolf: Performance Analysis of TCP Handover in a Wireless/Mobile Multi-Radio Environment. LCN 2002: 585-594
13EESimon Baatz, Peter Martini, Christoph Scholz, Matthias Frank, Carmen Kühl: Adaptive Scatternet Support for Bluetooth Using Sniff Mode. LCN 2001: 112-121
12EELin Xu, Toni Paila, Wolfgang Hansmann, Matthias Frank: IPv6 Based Infrastructure for Wireless IP in Multi-Radio Environments with Quality of Service Support. LCN 2001: 278-287
11EESimon Baatz, Matthias Frank, Rolf Göpffarth, D. Kassatkine, Peter Martini, Markus Schetelig, Asko Vilavaara: Handoff Support for Mobilty with IP over Bluetooth. LCN 2000: 143-154
10EELin Xu, Ralf Tönjes, Toni Paila, Wolfgang Hansmann, Matthias Frank, Markus Albrecht: DRiVE-ing to the Internet: Dynamic Radio for IP Services in Vehicular Environments. LCN 2000: 281-289
9EEMarkus Albrecht, Michael Köster, Peter Martini, Matthias Frank: End-to-End QoS Management for Delay-Sensitive Scalable Multimedia Streams over DiffServ. LCN 2000: 314-323
8EEMarkus Albrecht, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini, Markus Schetelig, Asko Vilavaara, Andre Wenzel: IP Services over Bluetooth: Leading the Way to a New Mobility. LCN 1999: 2-
7EESimon Baatz, Matthias Frank, Peter Martini, Andre Wenzel: Flow Aggregation and Scalability with ROBIN: End-to-End Regulation of Bandwidth in Intra-Networks. LCN 1999: 212-223
6 Matthias Frank, Peter Martini: Motivation of an End-to-end Regulation of Bandwidth in Intranetworks: The ROBIN Concept. HPN 1998: 595-612
5EEMatthias Frank, Peter Martini: Fairness and Delay/Loss Study of an End-to-End Bandwidth Regulation Scheme. LCN 1998: 315-
4EEMatthias Frank, Peter Martini: Performance Analysis of an End-to-End Bandwidth Regulation Scheme. MASCOTS 1998: 133-138
3 Hartmut Elbert, Jürgen Enssle, Matthias Frank, Horst Hessenmüller, Ebba Thora Hvannberg, Thomas Theimer: Multimedia Service Provisioning in the Munich Trial of the AMUSE Project. ECMAST 1997: 739-754
2EEMatthias Frank, Peter Martini: Practical experiences with a transport layer extension for end-to-end bandwidth regulation. LCN 1997: 337-347
1 Matthias Frank, Ralf Wittenberg: Flow Control Functions for High-Speed Transport Protocols in Local Workstation Environments. LCN 1994: 12-19

Coauthor Index

1Markus Albrecht [8] [9] [10] [18]
2Nils Aschenbruck [20] [21] [24] [25] [26]
3Simon Baatz [7] [11] [13] [16] [17]
4Christoph Barz [23]
5Diego Bohman [22]
6Hartmut Elbert [3]
7Jürgen Enssle [3]
8Elmar Gerhards-Padilla [26]
9Michael Gerharz [15] [24] [26]
10Rolf Göpffarth [11] [18]
11Wolfgang Hansmann [10] [12] [14] [19] [21]
12Horst Hessenmüller [3]
13Ebba Thora Hvannberg [3]
14D. Kassatkine [11]
15Michael Köster [9]
16Carmen Kühl [13] [16]
17Roland Legat [25]
18Peter Martini [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [13] [15] [16] [17] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26]
19Toni Paila [10] [12]
20Markus Pilz [23]
21Heinz-Dieter Richmann [25]
22Markus Schetelig [8] [11]
23Christoph Scholz [13] [16] [17] [21] [22]
24Thomas Theimer [3]
25Jens Tölle [20] [21] [25]
26Ralf Tönjes [10]
27Asko Vilavaara [8] [11]
28Christian de Waal [15]
29Andre Wenzel [7] [8]
30Ralf Wittenberg [1]
31Michael Wolf [14]
32Lin Xu [10] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)