
Pascal Francq

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7 Faiza Abbaci, Pascal Francq: Classement des fragments de documents XML par une méthode d'aide à la décision. EGC 2007: 331-341
6EELuh Yen, François Fouss, Christine Decaestecker, Pascal Francq, Marco Saerens: Graph Nodes Clustering Based on the Commute-Time Kernel. PAKDD 2007: 1037-1045
5 Faiza Abbaci, Pascal Francq: Multi-Criteria Decision Support to Rank XML Fragments. SWWS 2007: 144-149
4 Faiza Abbaci, Jean-Baptiste Valsamis, Pascal Francq: Index and Search XML Documents by Combining Content and Structure. International Conference on Internet Computing 2006: 107-112
3 Driart Elshani, Pascal Francq: The Anatomy of a Universal Domotics Integrator for Globally Interconnected Devices. PSC 2006: 17-23
2 Faiza Abbaci, Pascal Francq, Alain Delchambre: Query Generation for Personalized Tracking of Information. International Conference on Internet Computing 2005: 348-353
1EEPascal Francq, Alain Delchambre: Using Documents Assessments to Build Communities of Interests. SAINT 2005: 327-333

Coauthor Index

1Faiza Abbaci [2] [4] [5] [7]
2Christine Decaestecker [6]
3Alain Delchambre [1] [2]
4Driart Elshani [3]
5François Fouss [6]
6Marco Saerens [6]
7Jean-Baptiste Valsamis [4]
8Luh Yen [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)