
Joachim Hans Fröhlich

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5EEJoachim Hans Fröhlich, Manuel Schwarzinger: Improve Component-Based Programs with Connectors. JMLC 2006: 306-325
4 G. Blaschek, Joachim Hans Fröhlich: Recursion in Object-Oriented Programs. JOOP 11(7): 28-35 (1998)
3EEJoachim Hans Fröhlich, Thomas Stranzinger: Interactive Analysis of Object Architectures. TOOLS (25) 1997: 252-266
2 Joachim Hans Fröhlich: Prototype of a Run-Time Adaptable, Object-Oriented System. Ershov Memorial Conference 1996: 341-349
1 Stefan Schiffer, Joachim Hans Fröhlich: Concepts and Architecture of Vista - a Multiparadigm Programming Environment. VL 1994: 40-47

Coauthor Index

1G. Blaschek [4]
2Stefan Schiffer [1]
3Manuel Schwarzinger [5]
4Thomas Stranzinger [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)