
Suzanne Fortier

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14EEJohn Binamé, Nathalie Meurice, Laurence Leherte, Janice I. Glasgow, Suzanne Fortier, Daniel P. Vercauteren: Use of Electron Density Critical Points as Chemical Function-Based Reduced Representations of Pharmacological Ligands. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(4): 1394-1401 (2004)
13 Igor Jurisica, Phil Rogers, Janice I. Glasgow, Suzanne Fortier, Joseph R. Luft, Melissa A. Bianca, Robert J. Collins, George T. DeTitta: Image-Feature Extraction for Protein Crystallization: Integrating Image Analysis and Case-Based Reasoning. IAAI 2001: 73-80
12EEIgor Jurisica, Patrick Rogers, Janice I. Glasgow, Suzanne Fortier, Joseph R. Luft, Jennifer R. Wolfley, Melissa A. Bianca, Daniel R. Weeks, George T. DeTitta: Intelligent decision support for protein crystal growth. IBM Systems Journal 40(2): 394-409 (2001)
11EESuzanne Fortier: Looking at molecules with smart computers. CCCG 1999
10 Janice I. Glasgow, Evan W. Steeg, Suzanne Fortier: Motif Discovery in Protein Structure Databases. Pattern Discovery in Biomolecular Data 1999: 77-96
9 M. Sullivan, Janice I. Glasgow, Evan W. Steeg, Laurence Leherte, Suzanne Fortier: Protein Model Representation and Construction. ISMB 1997: 307-310
8EELaurence Leherte, Janice I. Glasgow, Kim Baxter, Evan W. Steeg, Suzanne Fortier: Analysis of Three-Dimensional Protein Images CoRR cs.AI/9710101: (1997)
7 Laurence Leherte, Janice I. Glasgow, Kim Baxter, Evan W. Steeg, Suzanne Fortier: Analysis of Three-Dimensional Protein Images. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 7: 125-159 (1997)
6 Kim Baxter, Evan W. Steeg, Richard H. Lathrop, Janice I. Glasgow, Suzanne Fortier: From Electron Density and Sequence to Structure: Integrating Protein Image Analysis and Threading for Structure Determination. ISMB 1996: 25-33
5EEJanice I. Glasgow, Suzanne Fortier, Darrell Conklin: Knowledge representation tools for molecular scene analysis. HICSS (5) 1995: 217-226
4 Laurence Leherte, Kim Baxter, Janice I. Glasgow, Suzanne Fortier: Segmentation and Interpretation of 3D Protein Images. ISMB 1994: 261-268
3 Darrell Conklin, Suzanne Fortier, Janice I. Glasgow: Knowledge Discovery of Multilevel Protein Motifs. ISMB 1994: 96-102
2 Darrell Conklin, Suzanne Fortier, Janice I. Glasgow: Representation for Discovery of Protein Motifs. ISMB 1993: 101-108
1EEDarrell Conklin, Suzanne Fortier, Janice I. Glasgow: Knowledge Discovery in Molecular Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(6): 985-987 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Kim Baxter [4] [6] [7] [8]
2Melissa A. Bianca [12] [13]
3John Binamé [14]
4Robert J. Collins [13]
5Darrell Conklin [1] [2] [3] [5]
6George T. DeTitta [12] [13]
7Janice I. Glasgow [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14]
8Igor Jurisica [12] [13]
9Richard H. Lathrop [6]
10Laurence Leherte [4] [7] [8] [9] [14]
11Joseph R. Luft [12] [13]
12Nathalie Meurice [14]
13Patrick Rogers [12]
14Phil Rogers [13]
15Evan W. Steeg [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
16M. Sullivan [9]
17Daniel P. Vercauteren [14]
18Daniel R. Weeks [12]
19Jennifer R. Wolfley [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)