
Giles M. Foody

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8EEGiles M. Foody, Doreen S. Boyd: Sharpened Mapping of Tropical Forest Biophysical Properties from Coarse Spatial Resolution Satellite Sensor Data. Neural Computing and Applications 11(1): 62-70 (2002)
7EEGiles M. Foody: Thematic mapping from remotely sensed data with neural networks: MLP, RBF and PNN based approaches. Journal of Geographical Systems 3(3): 217-232 (2001)
6EEGiles M. Foody: Mapping Land Cover from Remotely Sensed Data with a Softened Feedforward Neural Network Classification. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 29(4): 433-449 (2000)
5EEGiles M. Foody, Doreen S. Boyd: Fuzzy mapping of tropical land cover along an environmental gradient from remotely sensed data with an artificial neural network. Journal of Geographical Systems 1(1): 23-35 (1999)
4 Giles M. Foody: Fully Fuzzy Supervised Classification of Land Cover from Remotely Sensed Imagery with an Artificial Neural Network. Neural Computing and Applications 5(4): 238-247 (1997)
3EEGiles M. Foody, Manoj K. Arora: Incorporating mixed pixels in the training, allocation and testing stages of supervised classifications. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(13): 1389-1398 (1996)
2 Giles M. Foody: Land Cover Classification by an Artificial Neural Network with Ancillary Information. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 9(5): 527-542 (1995)
1 Giles M. Foody: Training Pattern Replication and Weighted Class Allocation in Artificial Neural Network Classification. Neural Computing and Applications 3(3): 178-190 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Manoj K. Arora [3]
2Doreen S. Boyd [5] [8]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)