
Caroline Fontaine

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26EEFuchun Xie, Teddy Furon, Caroline Fontaine: On-off keying modulation and tardos fingerprinting. MM&Sec 2008: 101-106
25EECaroline Fontaine, Fabien Galand: How Can Reed-Solomon Codes Improve Steganographic Schemes? Information Hiding 2007: 130-144
24EEAbdellatif Benjelloun Touimi, Jean-Bernard Fischer, Caroline Fontaine, Christophe Giraud, Michel Milhau: Enhanced Security Architecture for Music Distribution on Mobile. ESORICS 2006: 97-109
23 François Cayre, Caroline Fontaine, Teddy Furon: Watermarking security part one: Theory. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2005: 746-757
22 François Cayre, Caroline Fontaine, Teddy Furon: Watermarking security part two: Practice. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2005: 758-768
21EECaroline Fontaine: Clock-Controlled Generator. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
20EECaroline Fontaine: E0 (Bluetooth). Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
19EECaroline Fontaine: Linear Congruential Generator. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
18EECaroline Fontaine: Nonlinear Feedback Shift Register. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
17EECaroline Fontaine: RC4. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
16EECaroline Fontaine: SEAL. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
15EECaroline Fontaine: Self-Shrinking Generator. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
14EECaroline Fontaine: Self-Synchronizing Stream Cipher. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
13EECaroline Fontaine: Shrinking Generator. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
12EECaroline Fontaine: Summation generator. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
11EECaroline Fontaine: Synchronous Stream Cipher. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
10EEFrançois Cayre, Caroline Fontaine, Teddy Furon: Watermarking Attack: Security of WSS Techniques. IWDW 2004: 171-183
9EEVincent Bénony, François Recher, Eric Wegrzynowski, Caroline Fontaine: Cryptanalysis of a Particular Case of Klimov-Shamir Pseudo-Random Generator. SETA 2004: 313-322
8EEEric Filiol, Caroline Fontaine: A New Ultrafast Stream Cipher Design: COS Ciphers. IMA Int. Conf. 2001: 85-98
7EEMartin Steinebach, Jana Dittmann, Christian Seibel, Lucilla Croce Ferri, Fabien A. P. Petitcolas, Nazim Fatès, Caroline Fontaine, Frédéric Raynal: StirMark Benchmark: Audio Watermarking Attacks. ITCC 2001: 49-54
6 Anne Canteaut, Claude Carlet, Pascale Charpin, Caroline Fontaine: On cryptographic properties of the cosets of R(1, m). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(4): 1494-1513 (2001)
5EEAnne Canteaut, Claude Carlet, Pascale Charpin, Caroline Fontaine: Propagation Characteristics and Correlation-Immunity of Highly Nonlinear Boolean Functions. EUROCRYPT 2000: 507-522
4 Caroline Fontaine: On Some Cosets of the First-Order Reed-Muller Code with High Minimum Weight. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45(4): 1237-1243 (1999)
3EEDaniel Augot, Jean-François Delaigle, Caroline Fontaine: DHWM: A Scheme for Managing Watermarking Keys in the Aquarelle Multimedia Distributed System. ESORICS 1998: 241-255
2EEEric Filiol, Caroline Fontaine: Highly Nonlinear Balanced Boolean Functions with a Good Correlation-Immunity. EUROCRYPT 1998: 475-488
1 Daniel Augot, Caroline Fontaine: Key issues for watermarking digital images. Electronic Imaging 1998: 176-185

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Augot [1] [3]
2Vincent Bénony [9]
3Anne Canteaut [5] [6]
4Claude Carlet [5] [6]
5François Cayre [10] [22] [23]
6Pascale Charpin [5] [6]
7Jean-François Delaigle [3]
8Jana Dittmann [7]
9Nazim Fatès [7]
10Lucilla Croce Ferri [7]
11Eric Filiol [2] [8]
12Jean-Bernard Fischer [24]
13Teddy Furon [10] [22] [23] [26]
14Fabien Galand [25]
15Christophe Giraud [24]
16Michel Milhau [24]
17Fabien A. P. Petitcolas [7]
18Frédéric Raynal [7]
19François Recher [9]
20Christian Seibel [7]
21Martin Steinebach [7]
22Abdellatif Benjelloun Touimi [24]
23Eric Wegrzynowski [9]
24Fuchun Xie [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)