
Eric Fontain

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3EEIvar Ugi, Johannes Bauer, Carola Blomberger, Josef Brandt, Andreas Dietz, Eric Fontain, Bernhard Gruber, Annette v. Scholley-Pfab, Antje Senff, Natalie Stein: Models, concepts, theories, and formal languages in chemistry and their use as a basis for computer assistance in chemistry. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 34(1): 3-16 (1994)
2EEEric Fontain: Application of genetic algorithms in the field of constitutional similarity. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 32(6): 748-752 (1992)
1EEEric Fontain, Klaus Reitsam: The generation of reaction networks with RAIN. 1. The reaction generator. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 31(1): 96-101 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Johannes Bauer [3]
2Carola Blomberger [3]
3Josef Brandt [3]
4Andreas Dietz [3]
5Bernhard Gruber [3]
6Klaus Reitsam [1]
7Annette v. Scholley-Pfab [3]
8Antje Senff [3]
9Natalie Stein [3]
10Ivar Ugi [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)