
Frédéric Fondement

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9EEFrédéric Fondement: Graphical Concrete Syntax Rendering with SVG. ECMDA-FA 2008: 200-214
8EEPierre-Alain Muller, Frédéric Fondement, Franck Fleurey, Michel Hassenforder, Rémi Schneckenburger, Sébastien Gérard, Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Model-driven analysis and synthesis of textual concrete syntax. Software and System Modeling 7(4): 423-441 (2008)
7EEPierre-Alain Muller, Franck Fleurey, Frédéric Fondement, Michel Hassenforder, Rémi Schneckenburger, Sébastien Gérard, Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Model-Driven Analysis and Synthesis of Concrete Syntax. MoDELS 2006: 98-110
6EEThomas Baar, Slavisa Markovic, Frédéric Fondement, Alfred Strohmeier: Definition and Correct Refinement of Operation Specifications. Research Results of the DICS Program 2006: 127-144
5EEFrédéric Fondement, Thomas Baar: Making Metamodels Aware of Concrete Syntax. ECMDA-FA 2005: 190-204
4EEPierre-Alain Muller, Philippe Studer, Frédéric Fondement, Jean Bézivin: Platform independent Web application modeling and development with Netsilon. Software and System Modeling 4(4): 424-442 (2005)
3EERaul Silaghi, Frédéric Fondement, Alfred Strohmeier: Towards an MDA-Oriented UML Profile for Distribution. EDOC 2004: 227-239
2EERaul Silaghi, Frédéric Fondement, Alfred Strohmeier: "Weaving" MTL Model Transformations. MDAFA 2004: 123-138
1EEPierre-Alain Muller, Cédric Dumoulin, Frédéric Fondement, Michel Hassenforder: The TopModL Initiative. UML Satellite Activities 2004: 242-245

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Baar [5] [6]
2Jean Bézivin [4]
3Cédric Dumoulin [1]
4Franck Fleurey [7] [8]
5Sébastien Gérard (Sebastien Gerard) [7] [8]
6Michel Hassenforder [1] [7] [8]
7Jean-Marc Jézéquel [7] [8]
8Slavisa Markovic [6]
9Pierre-Alain Muller [1] [4] [7] [8]
10Rémi Schneckenburger [7] [8]
11Raul Silaghi [2] [3]
12Alfred Strohmeier [2] [3] [6]
13Philippe Studer [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)