
Nicolas Foloppe

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3EENicolas Baurin, R. Baker, Christine M. Richardson, I-Jen Chen, Nicolas Foloppe, Andrew Potter, A. Jordan, S. Roughley, Martin J. Parratt, P. Greaney, D. Morley, Roderick E. Hubbard: Drug-like Annotation and Duplicate Analysis of a 23-Supplier Chemical Database Totalling 2.7 Million Compounds. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(2): 643-651 (2004)
2EENicolas Foloppe, Alexander D. MacKerell Jr.: All-atom empirical force field for nucleic acids: I. Parameter optimization based on small molecule and condensed phase macromolecular target data. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(2): 86-104 (2000)
1 Daniel Barsky, Nicolas Foloppe, Sarah Ahmadia, David M. Wilson III, Alexander D. MacKerell Jr.: New insights into the structure of abasic DNA from molecular dynamics simulations. Nucleic Acids Research 28(13): 2613-2626 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Sarah Ahmadia [1]
2R. Baker [3]
3Daniel Barsky [1]
4Nicolas Baurin [3]
5I-Jen Chen [3]
6P. Greaney [3]
7Roderick E. Hubbard [3]
8A. Jordan [3]
9Alexander D. MacKerell Jr. [1] [2]
10D. Morley [3]
11Martin J. Parratt [3]
12Andrew Potter [3]
13Christine M. Richardson [3]
14S. Roughley [3]
15David M. Wilson III [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)