
Welly B. Floriano

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2EEArt E. Cho, John A. Wendel, Nagarajan Vaidehi, Peter M. Kekenes-Huskey, Welly B. Floriano, Prabal K. Maiti, William A. Goddard III: The MPSim-Dock hierarchical docking algorithm: Application to the eight trypsin inhibitor cocrystals. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(1): 48-71 (2005)
1EEElsa S. Henriques, Welly B. Floriano, Nathalie Reuter, André Melo, David Brown, José A. N. F. Gomes, Bernard Maigret, Marco A. C. Nascimento, Maria João Ramos: The search for a new model structure of beta-Factor XIIa. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 15(4): 309-322 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1David Brown [1]
2Art E. Cho [2]
3William A. Goddard III [2]
4José A. N. F. Gomes [1]
5Elsa S. Henriques [1]
6Peter M. Kekenes-Huskey [2]
7Bernard Maigret [1]
8Prabal K. Maiti [2]
9André Melo [1]
10Marco A. C. Nascimento [1]
11Maria João Ramos [1]
12Nathalie Reuter [1]
13Nagarajan Vaidehi [2]
14John A. Wendel [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)