
M. Julia Flores

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9EEM. Julia Flores, José A. Gámez, Serafín Moral: Use of Explanation Treesto Describe the State Space of a Probabilistic-Based Abduction Problem. Innovations in Bayesian Networks 2008: 251-280
8EELuis de la Ossa, M. Julia Flores, José A. Gámez, Juan L. Mateo, Jose Miguel Puerta: Initial breeding value prediction on Manchego sheep by using rule-based systems. Expert Syst. Appl. 33(1): 96-109 (2007)
7EEM. Julia Flores, José A. Gámez, Serafín Moral: The Independency tree model: a new approach for clustering and factorisation. Probabilistic Graphical Models 2006: 83-90
6EEM. Julia Flores, José A. Gámez, Serafín Moral: Abductive Inference in Bayesian Networks: Finding a Partition of the Explanation Space. ECSQARU 2005: 63-75
5EEM. Julia Flores, José A. Gámez: Breeding Value Classification in Manchego Sheep: A Study of Attribute Selection and Construction. KES (2) 2005: 1338-1346
4EEOlav Bangsø, M. Julia Flores, Finn Verner Jensen: Plug & Play Object Oriented Bayesian Networks. CAEPIA 2003: 457-467
3 M. Julia Flores, José A. Gámez, Kristian G. Olesen: Incremental compilation of Bayesian networks. UAI 2003: 233-240
2EEM. Julia Flores, José A. Gámez: Triangulation of Bayesian networks by retriangulation. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 18(2): 153-164 (2003)
1 M. Julia Flores, José A. Gámez: Applicability of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms to the Fuzzy Rule Learning Problem: A Preliminary Study. ICEIS 2002: 350-357

Coauthor Index

1Olav Bangsø [4]
2José A. Gámez [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Finn Verner Jensen [4]
4Juan L. Mateo [8]
5Serafín Moral [6] [7] [9]
6Kristian G. Olesen [3]
7Luis de la Ossa [8]
8Jose Miguel Puerta [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)