
Olivier Flauzac

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13EEAlain Bui, Olivier Flauzac, Cyril Rabat: Fully distributed and fault tolerant task management based on diffusions CoRR abs/0812.0736: (2008)
12EEAlain Bui, Olivier Flauzac, Cyril Rabat: Fully Distributed Active and Passive Task Management for Grid Computing. ISPDC 2007: 135-142
11EEThibault Bernard, Alain Bui, Olivier Flauzac, Cyril Rabat: Decentralized Resources Management for Grid. OTM Workshops (2) 2006: 1530-1539
10EECyril Rabat, Alain Bui, Olivier Flauzac: A Random Walk Topology Management Solution for Grid. IICS 2005: 91-104
9EEMichaël Krajecki, Olivier Flauzac, Pierre-Paul Mérel: Focus on the Communication Scheme in the Middleware CONFIIT Using XML-RPC. IPDPS 2004
8EEThibault Bernard, Alain Bui, Olivier Flauzac: Topological Adaptability for the Distributed Token Circulation Paradigm in Faulty Environment. ISPA 2004: 146-155
7EEThibault Bernard, Alain Bui, Olivier Flauzac: Random Distributed Self-stabilizing Structures Maintenance. ISSADS 2004: 231-240
6EEOlivier Flauzac, Michaël Krajecki, Jean Fugère: CONFIIT: A Middleware for Peer to Peer Computing. ICCSA (3) 2003: 69-78
5EEHichem Baala, Olivier Flauzac, Jaafar Gaber, Marc Bui, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi: A self-stabilizing distributed algorithm for spanning tree construction in wireless ad hoc networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 63(1): 97-104 (2003)
4 Olivier Flauzac: Random Circulating Word Information Management for Tree Construction and a Shortest Path Routing Tables Computation. OPODIS 2001: 17-32
3EEHichem Baala, Olivier Flauzac: Distributed Random Walks and the Design of a Self-Stabilizing Random Spanning Tree. Stud. Inform. Univ. 1(1): 77-82 (2001)
2EEMarc Bui, Ajoy Kumar Datta, Olivier Flauzac, Dai Tho Nguyen: Randomized Adaptive Routing Based on Mobile Agents. ISPAN 1999: 380-387
1EEOlivier Flauzac, Vincent Villain: An Implementable Dynamic Automatic Self-Stabilizing Protocol. ISPAN 1997: 91-97

Coauthor Index

1Hichem Baala [3] [5]
2Thibault Bernard [7] [8] [11]
3Alain Bui [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4Marc Bui [2] [5]
5Ajoy Kumar Datta [2]
6Tarek A. El-Ghazawi [5]
7Jean Fugère [6]
8Jaafar Gaber [5]
9Michaël Krajecki [6] [9]
10Pierre-Paul Mérel [9]
11Dai Tho Nguyen [2]
12Cyril Rabat [10] [11] [12] [13]
13Vincent Villain [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)