
Tom Fisher

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8EETom Fisher: Some Improvements to 4-Descent on an Elliptic Curve. ANTS 2008: 125-138
7EEJayne Wallace, Andy Dearden, Tom Fisher: The significant other: the value of jewellery in the conception, design and experience of body focused digital devices. AI Soc. 22(1): 53-62 (2007)
6EETom Fisher: Testing Equivalence of Ternary Cubics. ANTS 2006: 333-345
5EESujoy Basu, Sumit Roy, Raj Kumar, Tom Fisher, Bruce E. Blaho: Peppermint and Sled: Tools for Evaluating SMP Systems Based on IA-64 (IPF) Processors. IPDPS 2002
4 Ellen Baker, John Geirland, Tom Fisher, Annmarie Chandler: Media Production: Towards Creative Collaboration Using Communication Networks. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 8(4): 303-332 (1999)
3 Ellen Baker, John Geirland, Annmarie Chandler, Tom Fisher, Rachel Moss: Internationalising Media Production: Early Users of Remote Creative Collaboration Tools. INTERACT 1997: 598-599
2 Hui Zhang, Tom Fisher: Preliminary Measurement of the RMTP/RTIP. NOSSDAV 1992: 185-196
1 Tom Fisher: Real-Time Scheduling Support in Ultrix-4.2 for Multimedia Communiation. NOSSDAV 1992: 321-327

Coauthor Index

1Ellen Baker [3] [4]
2Sujoy Basu [5]
3Bruce E. Blaho [5]
4Annmarie Chandler [3] [4]
5Andrew M. Dearden (Andy Dearden) [7]
6John Geirland [3] [4]
7Raj Kumar [5]
8Rachel Moss [3]
9Sumit Roy [5]
10Jayne Wallace [7]
11Hui Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)