
A. J. Fisher

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6EEA. J. Fisher: Incremental algorithms for interactive text formatting. Journal of Systems and Software 16(1): 3-16 (1991)
5 A. J. Fisher: A Critique of Occam Channel Types. Comput. Lang. 13(2): 95-105 (1988)
4 A. J. Fisher: A New Algorithm for Generating Hilbert Curves. Softw., Pract. Exper. 16(1): 5-12 (1986)
3 A. J. Fisher: A Multi-processor Implementation of occam. Softw., Pract. Exper. 16(10): 875-892 (1986)
2 A. J. Fisher: Practical LL(1)-Based Parsing of van Wijngaarden Grammars. Acta Inf. 21: 559-584 (1985)
1 A. J. Fisher: The Syntax of User-defined Dyadic Operators. Softw., Pract. Exper. 12(7): 623-625 (1982)

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