
Wieland Fischer

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8EEWieland Fischer: Aspects of the Development of Secure and Fault-Resistant Hardware. FDTC 2008: 18-22
7EEWieland Fischer, Berndt M. Gammel, O. Kniffler, J. Velten: Differential Power Analysis of Stream Ciphers. CT-RSA 2007: 257-270
6EEWieland Fischer, Berndt M. Gammel: Masking at Gate Level in the Presence of Glitches. CHES 2005: 187-200
5EEWieland Fischer, Jean-Pierre Seifert: High-Speed Modular Multiplication. CT-RSA 2004: 264-277
4EEWieland Fischer, Jean-Pierre Seifert: Unfolded Modular Multiplication. ISAAC 2003: 726-735
3EEWieland Fischer, Jean-Pierre Seifert: Note on Fast Computation of Secret RSA Exponents. ACISP 2002: 136-143
2EEChristian Aumüller, Peter Bier, Wieland Fischer, Peter Hofreiter, Jean-Pierre Seifert: Fault Attacks on RSA with CRT: Concrete Results and Practical Countermeasures. CHES 2002: 260-275
1EEWieland Fischer, Jean-Pierre Seifert: Increasing the Bitlength of a Crypto-Coprocessor. CHES 2002: 71-81

Coauthor Index

1Christian Aumüller [2]
2Peter Bier [2]
3Berndt M. Gammel [6] [7]
4Peter Hofreiter [2]
5O. Kniffler [7]
6Jean-Pierre Seifert [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
7J. Velten [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)