
Nicola Fiore

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5EEMario A. Bochicchio, Nicola Fiore: Supporting the Conceptual Modeling of Web Applications: The MODE Project. AINA 2005: 495-500
4EEMario A. Bochicchio, Nicola Fiore: WARP for re-engineering of web applications. Hypertext 2005: 295-297
3 Mario A. Bochicchio, Nicola Fiore: Hyper Video for Distance Learning. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (III) 2005: 1361-1366
2EEMario A. Bochicchio, Nicola Fiore: WARP: Web Application Rapid Prototyping. SAC 2004: 1670-1676
1EENicola Fiore, Leonardo Mangia, Roberto Paiano: JWeb II Navigation Engine: An HDM Multi Device Interpreter. AINA 2003: 298-301

Coauthor Index

1Mario A. Bochicchio [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Leonardo Mangia [1]
3Roberto Paiano [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)