
Stefan Figge

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7 Kai Rannenberg, Andreas Albers, Stefan Figge, Mike Radmacher, Heiko Rossnagel: Mobile Commerce - Forschungsfragen am Scheideweg der Mobilfunkgenerationen. MCTA 2005: 9-16
6 Stefan Figge, Andreas Albers: Individualising M-Commerce Services by Semantic User Situation Modelling. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005: 1581-1598
5 Stefan Figge, Kai Rannenberg: Inviting New Players To The Multimedia M-Commerce Arena: An approach to enhance the current m-Commerce business model with regard to emerging DVB-T networks. MOBIS 2004: 311-322
4EEStefan Figge, Gregor Schrott, Jan Muntermann, Kai Rannenberg, S.-H. Chun: Earning m-oney - a situation based approach for mobile business models. ECIS 2003
3EEMichael Amberg, Stefan Figge, Jens Wehrmann: A Cooperation Model for Personalised and Situation Dependent Services in Mobile Networks. ER (Workshops) 2002: 136-146
2 Michael Amberg, Stefan Figge, Jens Wehrmann: Compass - Ein Kooperationsmodell für situationsabhängige mobile Dienste. Mobile and Collaborative Business 2002: 31-50
1 Stefan Figge: Die Open Mobile Architecture - Systemumgebung für mobile Dienste der nächsten Generation. Wirtschaftsinformatik 44(4): 375-378 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Albers [6] [7]
2Michael Amberg [2] [3]
3S.-H. Chun [4]
4Jan Muntermann [4]
5Mike Radmacher [7]
6Kai Rannenberg [4] [5] [7]
7Heiko Rossnagel (Heiko Roßnagel) [7]
8Gregor Schrott [4]
9Jens Wehrmann [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)