
Charles M. Fiduccia

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12EECharles M. Fiduccia, Edward R. Scheinerman, Ann N. Trenk, Jennifer S. Zito: Dot product representations of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 181(1-3): 113-138 (1998)
11EECharles M. Fiduccia, Rodney W. Forcade, Jennifer S. Zito: Geometry and Diameter Bounds of Directed Cayley Graphs of Abelian Groups. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11(1): 157-167 (1998)
10EECharles M. Fiduccia, Paul J. Hedrick: Edge Congestion of Shortest Path Systems for All-to-All Communication. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 8(10): 1043-1054 (1997)
9 Charles M. Fiduccia, Kevin J. Rappoport: Perfect Shifters. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(3): 340-349 (1994)
8 Robert F. Chamberlain, Charles M. Fiduccia: Universality of Iterated Networks. Mathematical Systems Theory 27(5): 381-430 (1994)
7 Charles M. Fiduccia: Bussed Interconnection Networks from Trees. IPPS 1992: 380-389
6EERobert F. Chamberlain, Charles M. Fiduccia: Universality of Iterated Networks. SPAA 1992: 80-89
5EECharles M. Fiduccia: Bused Hypercubes and Other Pin-Optimal Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 3(1): 14-24 (1992)
4 Charles M. Fiduccia: An Efficient Formula for Linear Recurrences. SIAM J. Comput. 14(1): 106-112 (1985)
3EECharles M. Fiduccia, Yechezkel Zalcstein: Algebras Having Linear Multiplicative Complexities. J. ACM 24(2): 311-331 (1977)
2 Charles M. Fiduccia: Polynomial Evaluation via the Division Algorithm: The Fast Fourier Transform Revisited STOC 1972: 88-93
1 Charles M. Fiduccia: Fast Matrix Multiplication STOC 1971: 45-49

Coauthor Index

1Robert F. Chamberlain [6] [8]
2Rodney W. Forcade [11]
3Paul J. Hedrick [10]
4Kevin J. Rappoport [9]
5Edward R. Scheinerman [12]
6Ann N. Trenk [12]
7Yechezkel Zalcstein [3]
8Jennifer S. Zito [11] [12]

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