
Edward A. Feustel

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6EEEdward A. Feustel: Book Review: Writing Secure Java Applications (A review of Java Security, 2nd ed.). IEEE Distributed Systems Online 3(3): (2002)
5 Edward A. Feustel, Terry Mayfield: The DGSA: Unmet Information Security Challenges for Operating System Designers. Operating Systems Review 32(1): 3-22 (1998)
4 S. S. Reddi, Edward A. Feustel: A Restructurable Computer System. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(1): 1-20 (1978)
3 Edward A. Feustel: Tagged Architecture and the Semantics of Programming Languages: Extensible Types. ISCA 1976: 147-150
2 S. S. Reddi, Edward A. Feustel: A Conceptual Framework for Computer Architecture. ACM Comput. Surv. 8(2): 277-300 (1976)
1 S. S. Reddi, Edward A. Feustel: An Approach to Restrcturable Computer Systems. Sagamore Computer Conference 1974: 319-337

Coauthor Index

1Terry Mayfield [5]
2S. S. Reddi [1] [2] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)