
Lelia Festila

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4EEGabor Csipkes, Sorin Hintea, Doris Csipkes, Cristian Rus, Lelia Festila, Hernando Fernandez-Canque: A Digitally Reconfigurable Low Pass Filter for Multi-mode Direct Conversion Receivers. KES (3) 2008: 335-342
3EEEmilia Sipos, Lelia Festila, Gabriel Oltean: Towards Reconfigurable Circuits Based on Ternary Controlled Analog Multiplexers/Demultiplexers. KES (3) 2008: 351-359
2EELelia Festila, Lorant Andras Szolga, Mihaela Cirlugea, Robert Groza: Analog Multiplying/Weighting VLSI Cells for SVM Classifiers. KES (3) 2008: 360-367
1EERobert Groza, Lelia Festila, Sorin Hintea, Mihaela Cirlugea: Log-Domain Binary SVM Image Classifier. KES (3) 2008: 368-375

Coauthor Index

1Mihaela Cirlugea [1] [2]
2Doris Csipkes [4]
3Gabor Csipkes [4]
4Hernando Fernandez-Canque [4]
5Robert Groza [1] [2]
6Sorin Hintea [1] [4]
7Gabriel Oltean [3]
8Cristian Rus [4]
9Emilia Sipos [3]
10Lorant Andras Szolga [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)