
Edgardo Ferretti

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9 Edgardo Ferretti, Marcelo Errecalde, Alejandro Javier García, Guillermo Ricardo Simari: Decision Rules and Arguments in Defeasible Decision Making. COMMA 2008: 171-182
8EEEnrique Alba, Edgardo Ferretti, Juan M. Molina: The Influence of Data Implementation in the Performance of Evolutionary Algorithms. EUROCAST 2007: 764-771
7EEEdgardo Ferretti, Marcelo Errecalde, Alejandro Javier García, Guillermo Ricardo Simari: An Application of Defeasible Logic Programming to Decision Making in a Robotic Environment. LPNMR 2007: 297-302
6EEEdgardo Ferretti, Susana C. Esquivel: An efficient approach of simple and multirecombinated genetic algorithms for parallel machines scheduling. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 1340-1347
5EEEdgardo Ferretti, Susana C. Esquivel: Knowledge insertion: an efficient approach to reduce effort in simple genetic algorithms for unrestricted parallel equal machines scheduling. GECCO 2005: 1587-1588
4 Edgardo Ferretti, Marcelo Errecalde, Paolo Rosso: The Influence of Semantics in Text Categorisation: A Comparative Study using the k Nearest Neighbours Method. IICAI 2005: 749-768
3EEEdgardo Ferretti, Susana C. Esquivel, Raúl Héctor Gallard: Studs, Seeds and Immigrants in Evolutionary Algorithms for Unrestricted Parallel Machine Scheduling. IBERAMIA 2004: 174-184
2 Edgardo Ferretti, Javier Lafuente, Paolo Rosso: Semantic Text Categorization using the K Nearest Neighbours Method. IICAI 2003: 434-442
1EEDaniel Jiménez, Edgardo Ferretti, Vicente Vidal, Paolo Rosso, Carlos F. Enguix: The influence of semantics in IR using LSI and K-means clustering techniques. ISICT 2003: 279-284

Coauthor Index

1Enrique Alba (Enrique Alba Torres) [8]
2Carlos F. Enguix [1]
3Marcelo Errecalde [4] [7] [9]
4Susana C. Esquivel [3] [5] [6]
5Raúl Héctor Gallard [3]
6Alejandro Javier García [7] [9]
7Daniel Jiménez [1]
8Javier Lafuente [2]
9Juan M. Molina [8]
10Paolo Rosso [1] [2] [4]
11Guillermo Ricardo Simari [7] [9]
12Vicente Vidal [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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