
Leo Ferres

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10EEMichel Dumontier, Leo Ferres, Natalia Villanueva-Rosales: Semantic Annotation and Question Answering of Statistical Graphs. MICAI 2008: 100-110
9EEKavita E. Thomas, Livia Sumegi, Leo Ferres, Somayajulu Sripada: Enabling access to geo-referenced information: Atlas.txt. W4A 2008: 101-104
8EELeo Ferres, Petro Verkhogliad, Livia Sumegi, Louis Boucher, Martin Lachance, Gitte Lindgaard: A syntactic analysis of accessibility to a corpus of statistical graphs. W4A 2008: 37-44
7EELeo Ferres, Petro Verkhogliad, Gitte Lindgaard, Louis Boucher, Antoine Chretien, Martin Lachance: Improving accessibility to statistical graphs: the iGraph-Lite system. ASSETS 2007: 67-74
6 Leo Ferres, Petro Verkhogliad, Gitte Lindgaard: Using Language as an Accessibility Tool: A System for Natural Language Interaction with Graphs over the Web. FLAIRS Conference 2007: 263-264
5EELeo Ferres, Petro Verkhogliad, Louis Boucher: (Natural language) interaction with graphical representations of statistical data. W4A 2007: 132-133
4EELeo Ferres, Avi Parush, Shelley Roberts, Gitte Lindgaard: Helping People with Visual Impairments Gain Access to Graphical Information Through Natural Language: The iGraph System. ICCHP 2006: 1122-1130
3EELeo Ferres, Avi Parush, Zhihong Li, Yandu Oppacher, Gitte Lindgaard: Representing and Querying Line Graphs in Natural Language: The iGraph System. Smart Graphics 2006: 248-253
2EERilla Khaled, Anna Maria Luxton, James Noble, Leo Ferres, Judy Brown, Robert Biddle: Visualisation for learning OOP, using AOP and eclipse. OOPSLA Companion 2004: 178-179
1EELeo Ferres: Modeling the Level of Involvement of Verbal Arguments. CICLing 2001: 32-42

Coauthor Index

1Robert Biddle [2]
2Louis Boucher [5] [7] [8]
3Judy Brown [2]
4Antoine Chretien [7]
5Michel Dumontier [10]
6Rilla Khaled [2]
7Martin Lachance [7] [8]
8Zhihong Li [3]
9Gitte Lindgaard [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
10Anna Maria Luxton [2]
11James Noble [2]
12Yandu Oppacher [3]
13Avi Parush [3] [4]
14Shelley Roberts [4]
15Somayajulu Sripada [9]
16Livia Sumegi [8] [9]
17Kavita E. Thomas [9]
18Petro Verkhogliad [5] [6] [7] [8]
19Natalia Villanueva-Rosales [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)